Applause shattered the second of silence that followed the Sorting Hat's brilliant song.
When the wild cheers settled down Professor McGonagall unrolled a large scroll, ready to call students up to the Sorting Hat.

"When I call out your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool. When the hat announces your House, you will go and sit at the appropriate table." She instructed the children. "Ackerley, Stewart!"

A nervous young lad walked up and placed the hat on his head, "RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted.

Alastriona clapped with Ravenclaw, a few others from Hufflepuff did as well. "Baddock, Malcolm!" Professor McGonagall called.

Another young lad walked up, "SLYTHERIN!" The hat declared.

The Slytherin table erupted into cheers, Alastriona grinned and clapped happily. She caught Draco's gaze, he smiled happily at her before he looked away and to the stool where a young girl was now sitting. "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Alastriona's eyes went wide and the Hufflepuff table erupted into loud cheers as the girl took a seat. "What was her name, Cedric?" Alastriona asked, slightly embarrassed she'd missed it. 

"Eleanor Branstone. A little distracted are we, Red?" Alastriona playfully smacked him on the arm and blushed madly. 

"Cauldwell, Owen!"

When the hat was placed on his head the hat immediately shouted, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The table erupted into more cheers and applause as Hufflepuff welcomed its newest member.

"Creevey, Dennis!"

"Is he wearing Hagrid's coat?" Darcy questioned. 


Hufflepuff accepted a few more students including Emma Dobbs, Laura Madley and Kevin Whitby. Professor Dumbledore stood and smiled at the students, new and old, and spread his arms wide, "I have only two words to say to you," he announced with that typical spark in his blue eyes, "Tuck in." 

The plates before them filled with food and the feast began. Alastriona was just about to ask Cedric to pass the mashed potatoes but he was already loading them onto her plate, he glared at her when she laughed at him, "You need to get your strength up for quidditch! Make sure you don't get blown off your broom at the slightest breeze." She just stuck her tongue out at him. 

Alastriona finished off her dessert and smacked Cedric's hand when he tried to give her yet another helping of bread and butter pudding

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Alastriona finished off her dessert and smacked Cedric's hand when he tried to give her yet another helping of bread and butter pudding.

She flinched at the sudden clap of thunder and her hand smacked down onto the side of her plate, she watched in horror as it flew through the air and shattered against the floor behind her.

Silence befell the Hall and Alastriona's face scrunched up in shame as she looked back at the students staring at her, she cleared her throat, "Miserable night, eh?" She laughed awkwardly, she heard laughter from across the hall and it was Draco, Theo and Blaise shaking their heads at her antics. Draco clapped mockingly at her. Other students in the Hall laughed as well, most knew by now how accident prone the Hufflepuff girl could be.

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