It was him.

His footstepts made obvious noice as he slowly wandered forward and stopped right behind Will. They both stood still, so still that they could've been petrified. A hesistant hand rose up to Will's shoulder, but it stayed there. Before it even had the chance to make contact, Will spoke.

"Go away. I-I said I didn't want to see you anymore". His voice was trembling, sore and full of sadness. The tone hurted him. "Please Will, I'm not letting you go that easely". His hand landed on Will's small shoulder. The smaller boy flinched at the touch, which was soon followed by a light squeeze, a comforting one. A one that said, that it was going to be okay.

"You should.", Will muttered. It was clear in his voice that he was fighting the urge to burst into sobs once again. It pained Mike even more, knowing that Will had been here for hours in the rain, alone, cold and hurt. "Will I'm sorry".

Will scoffed, "Don't be".  Then turned his shoulder away from Mike, causing the hand to fall by his side. Mike sighed, he wanted to fix this, he needed to fix this. How could he ever go live on, knowing Will will not be there to brighten up his day.

Mike collected all his courage and stood now in front of the smaller boy, who refused to look him in the eye. Mike observed the boy in front of him for a minute. His gaze was pointed at his muddy shoes, arms laid across his chest while fingers were nervously fidgetting the skin around his elbows. Mike fighted the urge to just wrap his arms around him and pull him into a hug. He knew that if he were to do that, he would get pushed away or even get hit. He needed his attention first, going step by step, that's what his heart told him.

Though, it was beating like crazy.

"Will... will you please listen to me?", he pleaded, but was immediately met with a shaking head. "No... You- you've hurt me enough already... What are you going to do? Laugh at me? Make fun of me? Hurt my feelings again?". He saw Will's eyes getting glassy once again and said, "No of course not! I would never do that, trust me".

"Whatever", he got as reply. Will was still looking at anywhere but Mike. It annoyed him a bit. He wanted to see those eyes. Those big, hazel eyes that manage to make him fall in love all over again every time they blink. "Will?.... Will, please look at me".

There was no reaction. The rain around them was loud, thunder interrupting the dreading silence between the two guys. The little light of the sun above the angry clouds, slowly saying its goodbye and Mike was losing hope. What if it was already to late to make things right?

Mike Wheeler, who always had his entire life in control. Always wanting the world to love him and how he would become something big in the future. Never having to worry about one single thing.

That had changed now. The Mike who once thought the world was in his hands was now replaced by a nervous, insecure mess of a person. And he didn't blame anyone for it. He did it to himself. For the first time he felt like he wasn't that great as he thought he was and he also didn't care anymore about the world. There was just one person that mattered, the one who refused to look at him. He balled his hands in fists, letting the sleeves of his sweater covering them. He had never felt so small before, so vunerable. If only Will-

-... would look up. Will's exhausted eyes wandered from Mike's shoes to his chest and rested there for a few seconds, before they moved on to his face. There they were, Will's golden brown eyes. His gaze came along with a  warm feeling inside Mike, a feeling that intensified by a thousand degrees. Mike was left tongue-tied.

Pretty boy.

There was a silence as they both stared at each other in the eyes and Mike didn't mind it. He could do this all day, just looking at Byers' beauty. However, Will broke eye contact, much to the other's dismay and muttered, "What do you want, Mike?".

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