Chapter 1

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A/N: This is my first ever fanfiction so don't expect much. I am merely writing this for fun, and because I love Bellatrix. You can imagine that Clarice is you, that's what I'm doing, I just thought writing with an actual name would be easier. I don't really know where this story is going yet, or how often I'm going to update since my life is pretty stressful at the moment. I hope you enjoy.


Clarice POV:

I was following Draco through the dim halls of Hogwarts. I knew exactley where he was going, but I had to be careful because he didn't know I was following him. He trusted me with his plan on how he was going to kill Dumbledore, and he also told me how much he didn't want to do it. I knew if I offered to help, or even do the task for him, he would never let me. But I also knew that killing someone would destroy him. Not because he was weak, not at all, it's because he wasn't fully broken yet. His core wasn't dark, or haunted like mine was. That's why I decided not to tell him I was planning on doing the task instead of him. 

I could see him stop in front of the staircase to the astronomy tower for a short moment, and starting to walk up the stairs with his wand in his hand. I kept my distance, but also always kept Draco in sight. I stayed at the top of the staircase and was careful so nobody would see me. I watched as Draco pointed his wand at Dumbledore. I heard footsteps from the bottom of the stairs so I knew I had to be fast. I ran up, stupified Draco so he wouldn't be blamed for not killing Dumbledore himself, and then pointed my wand at Dumbledore. The surprise and shock was visible in his eyes, which was quickly replaced with anger. I knew what I had to do, so I pinted my wand at him and yelled: "Avada Kedavra!" I watched him fall off the astronomy tower, with a feeling of power. I felt like in that moment I could unleash all my darkness. 

"What do we have here", I heard a voice from behind me and quickly turned around. I knew exactley who these people were, since I did my research on the deatheaters. Bellatrix Lestrange and Fenrir Greyback. The only deatheater I ever had respect for, even admired was Bellatrix. The other ones were all pretty pathetic and cowardly, as far as I could make out. As soon as Bellatrix saw Draco on the floor, she stepped, visibly angry, towards me and shouted: "What have you done to my nephew ? How dare you touch him!".  

Before I could react she chocked me and asked:"Where is Dumbledore?". I struggled a bit to reply but managed to say:"He's dead". Bellatrix began to cackle like crazy, but her grip on me didn't loosen. I couldn't help but admire how hot she was in person. I also thought 'I should really not be turned on right now, but she is incredibly hot and chocking me - I'm way too gay for this'. As if reading my mind she stopped cackling, and her head immediately turned towards me. She was obviously amused by something and smirked at me with taunting eyes.

"You are coming with me, pet", she said grabbing Draco and me and apparated us all to Malfoy mannor, leaving Greyback behing. There we were met by a concearned women, who I knew to be Draco's mother. "What happened Bella? Are you okay? What happened to Draco? Who is this?". "Dumbledore is dead and Draco is only stunned",she answered unfazed, "As to who this is, that is a good question.", Bellatrix now turned back to me, "would you care to tell us who you are and why exactly you killed Dumbledore?" 

I was still in shock from Bellatrix bringing me to Malfoy Mannor, but knew better than not to answer her. "My name is Clarice. I killed Dumbledore because he was a pig." This was not untrue, I never liked Dumbledore and his games, but the main reason I killed him is so that Draco wouldn't have to do it. "I'm going to decide later what to do with you, when Draco is awake maybe he can tell us if you are telling the truth", Bellatrix said, grabbed me and dragged me down the stairs by my arm. I didn't exactly know what to do, but I knew that Bellatrix was stronger than me, and that resisting would be of no use.  She locked me up in a cold cell and left me there alone. I hoped that Draco would not be too mad at me for killing Dumbledore, and tell them to let me out. 

I thought about what I was going to do after I get out of this place. I cannot possibly go back to Hogwarts, but I also can't go to my parents' house. I basically had nowhere to go. 'Well that's great. I've really thought this through haven't I. I mean what did I think was going to happen. I'm a fucking pathetic dumb piece of shit.' With those selfhating thoughts I drifted off to sleep.

(877 words)

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