Chapter 10: Dino Slippers

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Not even to mention that my dinosaur slippers would let put a squeak every step I took. Ever so often, you would hear a drunk guys let out a wolf whistle or a cheesy pick up line.

"Say that again and I swear to God I'll punch you so hard you won't be able to say anything for a while." Adam's over protective brother side came out and threatened a guy. The guy quickly shut his mouth and fast walked away.

"Was that necessary? Poor dude probably crapped his pants." Pheonix muttered, looking over his shoulder at the drunk who stumbled down the hall.

"Shut up."

We soon arrived to the tattoo parlor where Peyton's body lay sagged against the couch. Pheonix let out an exasperated sigh, before lifting up Peyton's left side while I lifted Peyton's right side. After a few drops, we arrived at the dorm room and layed him across the bed.

"I'm gonna go and get some water. I'll be back." I whispered to Pheonix.

"Okay, I'll wait until you get back."

"You don't have to."

"It's ok, don't want you disappearing again."

"Speaking of which where the hell did Hunter and Sara go? They were supposed to take of that doofus." I asked, gesturing toward Peyton's limp body.

"I don't know but wherever they are, they're going to pay for this."


My dad sat hunched over the coffee table, staring at the quote Mom had once painted.

Before she slipped.

The quote said, 'The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.' The white words danced across the black wall in front of the coffee table. I peek out of my bedroom at Pops and stare at his face. His hair was disheveled on the top of his head, with bags underneath his eyes. On top of that, there was wet tear trails down his face making his cheeks bright red.

"Daddy?" I croak in a whisper barely understandable. I rarely called my father daddy, most of the times I say Pops. But, when I do he knows it's a big deal. His head turns to the direction of me and he scans me.

I was dressed in my pajamas, my face probably bright red from the crying I had just finished. He opens his arms for a hug. I let his arms envelope me in a warm embrace, and rest my head on his chest.

"I miss her."

"I know."


I walk into Pop's office, with a plate of waffles and bacon in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other. Pops sat behind his desk with glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. His blue eyes snap towards me when he hears the door open.

"Aw no cake this time?" Pops whined, putting down the paperwork he had in hand.

"Pops, it's like 6:00 in the morning." I say, sitting down his food on the desk.

"Which brings me to the next question. Why are you up so early?" He asked starting to cut his waffles.

"Well I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, I'll just bring these waffles to Adam then."

"No! I was just asking. You can leave the food." He said taking a bite of his waffles.

I reach over to take a strip of bacon, but was stopped by Pops hitting my hand with his fork.

"No. Mine."


"Nope Vana, maybe you should have brought an extra strip for yourself." He said with his mouth full of food.

"Please." I pout my lip.


"Please daddy." I say with puppy eyes. He glares at me before handing me a strip.

Ha Ha Vana always wins.


I sit with Pheonix at our usual table discussing which one of us is the better prankster. Peyton was still is his dormitory dealing with his hangover.

"I'm telling you, remember the time I put a tack on every teacher's chair. At only seven years old!" Pheonix reasoned.

"Well I was the one who had to unlock all the doors for you. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been able to do that prank." I say back.

"Oh please, I can pick locks just as good as you." Zeke turns around, from his table and sits a lock on our table.

"Ok do it."

"Zeke, why the hell do you carry around a lock in your back pocket?" I ask, just as disturbed as everyone else.

"You see, Four and I were-" He started, before Four slapped his hand over Zeke's mouth.

"No reason."

"Back to the subject, go ahead unlock it." I say to Pheonix, gesturing towards the lock. I picked out a hair clip from my hair, laying it down on his hand.


He started picking the lock, and after a few moments Sara and Hunter walked in smiling and holding hands. When they saw us however, their hands automatically unlaced and rested by their side.

"Hi guys!" Sara chirped taking the seat next to me.

"Don't 'Hi guys!' me I'm mad at you two." I say taking a bite of my muffin.

"Yeah I had to wake up in the middle of the night to go get my friend, because you guys don't know how to babysit! This. Lazy. Fuck. Had. To. Wake. Up." Pheonix growled at them.

Hunter threw his arms up in mock surrender.

"Whoa, dude I'm sorry I promise make it up to you. And Vana."

"Better." Pheonix mutters under his breath.

"Vana, can we talk?" Sara asks me.

"Aren't we talking right now?"

Sara lets out a fake laugh, before she grabs my arm and drags me out.

"Ok, Ik'm going to need you be a little understanding. Ok?" Sara says.


"Hunter kissed me last night."

I had the urge to laugh, and a little giggle escaped. I bit my lip and nodded my head, a smile creeping on my lips.

"Stop I'm serious!" Sara whines with a frown on her face.

"I know, that's what makes it so funny." I say with a snort. She rolls eyes and goes on to describe the event.

"So we were walking around the compound and then all of a sudden he blurted out that loved me."

"Whoa love? What happened to like!" I say surprised.

"I know right, I thought that he only liked me. Which sucked because I love him-"

"What the hell is wrong with you people! If you love someone just go out and say it. You people make life too complicated." I say shaking my head. She rolls her eyes.

"I bet if you liked someone, you wouldn't go up to their face and say that you liked them." She dared.

"Yes I would." I slyly lied.

"Well, go on then. I dare you tonight to go up to Eric and tell him that you like him." My eyes widen when she says Eric's name.


"Sara knows everything."

Troublemaker (Divergent Eric )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz