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AK enterprises

Anuj Kapadia was engrossed in his laptop, he didn't even notice his friend cum business partner Varun who just entered in his cabin!!

Varun set silently on his chair, he know, if he disturb his friend at this moment, he will have to listen 20 page lecture!!

After completing his important work, finally anuj notice his friend!!

Anuj- what are you doing here??

Varun- why are you not picking GK's call!!

Anuj- I was busy!!

Varun- ohh really!! In which work you are busy!!

Anuj- it's none of your business varun!! Stop irritating me!!

Anuj was getting frustrated with varun's questions!!

Varun- Anuj, Gk is just worried about your whereabouts, he just only want your happiness that's it!!

Anuj- I knew this varun, but whenever we talk, he had only one question!! When will I come India!! you know very well my reasons!! Why I can't go to India!!

Varun- but how many years you will waste Anuj!! It's been 26 years, you need to move on!! If you can't do it for yourself then do it for GK please!!

After saying that Varun left from there, leaving Anuj deep though!!

Anuj- it's been 26 years, since I last saw you, you must be happy in your life "Anupama"


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