Part - 12 First meet!❤️

Start from the beginning

Sumedh was driving basant was sitting beside him.. and baba was sitting in backside...

He was driving.... And suddenly a girl came infront of his car... he just stopped the car with full energy .. Otherwise she would have hitted with the car...

He came out and start scolding her....

Sumedh:- Hey... You.... Are you blind!!! 😠😑 Can't you see..... Can't you walk straight looking ahead?😠 You know you can hit by the car now if I won't see you and stopped the car....😠

Girl:- Ohh hello.... I have eyes... but it seems you are blind... Can't you see it's red light.. and still you are driving....😠😠😠 You rules breaker.....

(But inke jhagadte tak red light to green ho gayi😂)

Sumedh:- Ohh.... Now I'm sure.. your are really blind.. please see again it's green light okay... Not red...😑😑😠😠 Now please don't waste my time and go...

Girl:- Ohh.... So now you realised that your time is wasting..... Don't you have any manners...... you're talking to a girl in midway Can't you talk mannerly and simply...
Please just say sorry and leave.... I'm getting late..😑 and what will all peoples think who are watching us!!

Sumedh:- Wait... What!! What you just said.... I'm a manner less person.. I don't have any manner.....😮😠

Girl:- 😑😑😒😒 Yess Mr. !!!!

Sumedh:- And I will say sorry?😮😠

Girl:- No ... I will say sorry.....😑 Arey obviously you will say sorry... Mistake is yours.....

Sumedh:- No I won't say sorry... You'll say just came infront of my car.... It's your fault...😠

Girl:-You were driving the car without seeing and breaking the traffic rules... I was just going normally by following the rules, your car came in front of me.. so why will I..??? You'll say sorry!!😌😑

Sumedh:- You stupid girl..... Wild cat....😠😠 How dare you to talk to me like this.... You don't know who I am! Once you will get to na that who i am.. you'll regret for talking to me like this....😠😠

Girl:- What.... You think I'm a wild cat.... Arey.... Do you know who are you!!! You are a very big khadoos!!!!😠 And yess I don't have any interest to know that who are you.. and I will never regret....😌😠.... Get that???

Sumedh:- You.........

Before he could say something more to her.... He just noticed that Everyone who is just waiting form minutes to went their respective places were shouting from behind ..... That let us go....and just stop fighting...

Then he just went without saying anything and was murmuring something continuosly....

Girl:- Arey........😮😮 What type of a khadoos person he is , he didn't even say sorry and left by showing his back to me. 😠😠😠😠😠..... Hope that will never meet him or a person like him in future .. huhh
...... Haddd hoti hai yaar!!!!😑😑

With this she went back .... Here sumedh....

Went back inside his car....

Basant and baba:- Can you able to listen .... We have been calling you for a long time but don't know to whom you were talking to...😑😑🧐🧐

Baba:- Haan....And who was that girl.... what happened....

Sumedh:- Don't know who is she... And even don't have any interest to know about her... Let go....😠😑( In an irritated and angry voice)

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