Part - 21 Their Engagement! ❤️💍

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As we know that in previous part Mallika made sumedh's tea salty , after then sumedh's words and warnings hurted mallika... lastly sumellika agreed for their marriage , here Mallika didn't want to but agreed for her parents happiness putting a stone in her heart... :(


It's now a week sumedh and his family had went to mallika's home for fix a knot between both of them....

Between this one week both families talked with the prist for fixing the marriage date.... And he gave the time that after two weeks the best time will appear in which they can done their marriage......

Now only just a week is left for wedding.... And it's their engagement day a week before their marriage at sumedh's house...... 💍❤️

At mallika's side.....

She was getting ready for the engagement...
..... talking to herself looking at the dressing table's mirror....

Mallika:- Seriously..... It's now been a week we agreed for the marriage... Nd it's my engagement Today? Nd then after a week my wedding? Seriously....?????

I have to leave my home my family my love ones ...??
Just to make someone else's home....???

I have to leave from this place forever..??

Ohhh gawd I don't understand for my which fault god is punishing meh by ruining my whole life.........

A long tear escaped from her eyes....

Ohh damn I wish I could get some powers through which I can postpone the marriage for ever..... !!!!!!! Then the line will be...

"The bride broke her own marriage by herself only."

Coz ... I can't tolerate all this by marrying a person whom I don't even love.....

Papa always says that I will fall in love by the marriage afterwards... But I don't think anything is gonna happen ever......

Me.? In Love.? That also wid....
Huhh.... Not even in my dreams.... It's all just waste of time , money and my life... Nothing else.....

Just proud of myself........ Seriously....... Every girl wants her life to be the most beautiful and perfect life ever ......

But here me.... The one and only Mallika Singh is ruining her life instead of making it beautiful and perfect.....

Every girl wants her wedding to be done being most memorable and beautiful in her whole life.... With her dream prince.....

But here me...... My wedding will be one of the most worse and dangerous things ever!!!


Just proud of myself.....!!! Just proud!!! 👏🏻

She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds..... and sighed......

Whatever... Let's continue with the process of making my life ruin by my own hands....... Woww! Nice...!!

She again continued with her work of getting ready....

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⏰ Última atualização: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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