Chapter 14

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Skip to when josh get home
I  was sitting on Josh's bed waiting for him when he walked in his Room and jumped when he saw me there

"Holy shit, when did you get here" he asked

"Did you mean all of that"

"All of what?" He asked confused, I got up and gave him the paper. Once he saw the paper he looked in shocked

"You weren't supposed to see this" he said started getting angry

"But I did"

"Get the fuck out of my room" he said walking towards me I just nodded and left.

Josh POV
After Chloe left my room I went in the shower. After I finished my shower I went to my dresser to get boxers when i saw Chloe lingerie set making me horny, i grab my boxers and put them on when Olivia barge in my room

"Yes?" I asked

"We're not going for dinner it's just mom and Lisa going out since ddad is on a business trip"she said and left my room. I went in my nightstand and got vodka and drank

Skip a few hours
I was really drunk know and missing Chloe so I decided to go see her, I walked next door and went up to her room and saw her bong and weed out. I crawled into bed with her and cuddled and went to bed

Chloe POV
I woke up to movement in my bed, I opened my eyes and saw josh. I shook him awake. Once he opened his eyes he smiled

"Wtf are you doing in my bed?"I asked

"I missed you last night"

"So you just decided to come in my room in the middle of the night"

"Come on let's cuddle"

"No we have school"

"Come on let's just stay here and cuddle"

"Wtf is wrong with you"

"What do you mean"

"You are mad at me one minute then all over me"

"CAUSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT IT SCARES ME" He yelled at me, i just sat there in shocked

"Say something" he whispered And I just kissed him

"I hate you sometimes" I said pulling away from him

"I want to be with you"

"I want to be with you to" I said and we kissed

Skip 5 years
Me and josh have been married for 4 years with a 3 year old girl named

                                 The end

Brother best friend | Josh Richards Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum