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ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀᴍᴘᴜs ᴘʀᴇsɪᴅᴇɴᴛ


"Y/N! Let's go and play! " Said the boy while waving his hands and you looked through your window.

"I have to study. "

"But I want to play with you! "

You sighed, putting your textbook down, wearing  your coat and you wore your red scarf. Walking downstairs too, u saw two of your parents drinking coffee while your dad was reading a newspaper.

"Y/N sweetheart, your friend is outside waiting for you. "

"So I heard. " You replied and waved them goodbye before closing the door and running towards him.

Both sitting on the swings while you admire the color of autumn leaves falling off the trees and some are flowing with the wind, you inhaled deeply and couldn't help but smile.

"Y/N , you really need to start hanging out with your friends, you know. " He spoke and you turned to face him..

How come I don't know your face...

"I do want to but I'm scared.. I've seen a lot of it on dramas , you know that being too close with a friend will hurt you. " You replied.

You slightly jumped when he jolted up from the wings as he started marching in front of you and before you knew it , you felt two pair of hands cupping your cheeks and it was the moment you knew how cold you were due to how much you wanted to purr on his warm touch.

"Not all people are like that , Y/N."

How come I can't remember your voice yet I can still remember your words...

"Wh-what do you mean? "

"I'll always be here no matter what! " He smiled and your heart skipped a beat.

Childhood was fun cause you were with me.

It was fun cause I could trust someone so easily without anything back, the only reason why I never had friends was cause I was so choosy when it comes to people. My parents said it's being an 'introvert.' You don't like people, crowd and noises, they also they said that I was the kind of person who'd rather sleep in three days than going outside to find more friends.

They said I'm rather the kid who would stay in the house , reading a book in my hands while a cup of coffee is on my hands rather than going outside socializing.

But then when I met you. I kept pushing you away yet you still stayed, before I knew it, everytime you give me those warm smiles,  your compliments, your simple touch always makes this weird twists in my stomach and my heart always beats faster..

"It's called love , sweetheart. " Your mother spoke smiling at you.

"I see.. "

"LET GO OF ME! " You shouted while your father kept on holding your arms.

In front of your eyes.

A house being burned to ashes.

His parents were outside, crying while some fire fighters were searching for him inisde the house.

'It can't be right..? '

"Just trust them,  Y/N" Your father spoke, crouching to your level as he pulled you into a hug and tried to calm you down from crying.

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