Kaz | Ketterdam

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- You knew he was a criminal (*plays criminal by britney spears*) but he was also just a human. He didn't kill without reason - in fact, compared to the other traders in Ketterdam, Kaz was fair and he treated his employees with respect. 

*cuts to the scene where he doesn't listen to any of them*

- When you and he started dating, all he had was one condition - never enter the Crow Club, and for love of all the Saints don't tell anyone about their relationship.

- He'd be discreet about his visits but Inej, Jesper and Wylan knew who you were.

- When the chaos in the Crow Club gets too much for them, all of them would visit you. You were like a break from the grim reality they lived in.

- Soon, your walls were covered with pictures drawn by Wylan and you had one of Inej's knives under your bed. You didn't fight but Inej insisted you take it for protection.

"I don't know how to stab!"
She'd roll her eyes and reply, "Just think it's one of your cakes and instead of slicing it, you're poking it. With force. And red icing comes flying out."

- Kaz gets a bit jealous of how well you get along with others, but he's also happy. Who are we kidding, he's the happiest he's ever been.

- He comes by every night and you talk a lot before falling asleep beside each other. Once or twice, he'll hold your hands and you'll smile, knowing it was another small milestone.

- He protects you with his life and whenever he says something really Kaz-zy like — "The night takes what she can. Do not walk without a weapon, love." — you'll throw a cookie at him to make him shut up. He'd munch on it with a lovable frown.

- Even though you were so different from him, even though you looked so out of the picture in Ketterdam, these people became your unofficial family and you couldn't have asked for more.

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