Meeting chance and herman

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Chance: so did you have any other people to do pranks with you?

Y/n: nope I usually did my pranks alone I wanted to be independent

Chance: wow a independent woman I love that

Y/n: (chuckles) yea

Herman:can y'all please stop flirting with each other its getting uncomfortable

Y/n and chance:sorry (laughs)

Y/n: are y'all hungry?

Chance and Herman: I could eat

Y/n: ok come on

Y'all go downstairs

Y/n: momma you done with the food yet

Your mom stops talking to Chance and Hermans mom

Y/m: sorry honey but it will be done in about a hour y'all can walk down to McDonald's its only a few minutes away

She hands you 50 dollars

Y/n: thank you momma come on guys

Y'all go to McDonalds you order (whatever you get) chance and Herman order nuggets with soda

Few minutes later a blonde girl comes in and notices you,chance, and herman together and comes up to you

?: who are yo... Y/N?!


Y'all hug for about two minutes

Herman:I really don't know

Y/n: I'm sorry boys this is my cousin

Chance and Herman:COUSIN?!

Bailey:yea my cousin aren't boys so weird?

Y/n: yea exactly

Y/n:anyway what are you doing here?

Bailey:what am i doing here i lived here my whole life what are YOU doing here?

Y/n: i live here now...

Should I continue?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Should I continue?

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