Post-Hogwarts: Ending/Epilogue

Start from the beginning

It wasn't just a store but a cafe. Most people just came to take a picture with you and Harry, maybe buy some wiggentree seeds or a bag of dried nettle tea. But a few people stayed for tea. The menu was limited. Nettle, white, black, or house-blend tea along with Kreacher's hot chocolate were available. The house drink was naturally a Shirley Temple. Pumpkin pasties, roasted pumpkin seeds, fruit, Lupin's chocolates were the only foods served. Shots of potions brewed by you could be added to any drink. A lot of your students stopped by, excited to be in your class in a few short days. The crowds died down as the afternoon went on. Harry refused to let you clean the tables the muggle way and used magic instead. You closed the blinds when the bell rang as the door opened. You went to give your cousin a hug.

"Sorry, I'm so late... it's Thursday," Draco said.

He gave a wave and nod to Harry. Your boyfriend did the same before retreating upstairs with Teddy. You told Draco to sit at any of the small tables while you brewed tea. You came back with two cups and a pumpkin pasty for the two of you to split.

"How was Aunt Narcissa's trial?" you asked as you tore the treat in two.

"It got thrown out. Between you and Harry's statements, they dropped her case." Draco put the cup to his mouth.

"Is it good? You always brewed a better cup."

"It's perfect," Draco said as he set the tea down. He looked around the store. "Mum divorced Father."


"I'm actually glad. He stopped being the dad I looked up to when I turned fourteen. The divorce doesn't matter much, he's going to Azkaban anyway. We didn't even try to help him."

You grabbed your cousin's hand.

"I feel like I should feel guilty but I don't," he said.

"It's alright to feel that way."

A heaviness lifted off of Draco and he sat up a bit straighter. His years of balancing his views and suppressing them to survive his father and Voldemort were finally over. You saw a light come back to him that hadn't been there for a long time. His smile actually reached his eyes again. Harry came back down a little later to drop off Teddy for Draco to see. As he held the baby, Draco reached a conclusion that you had as well. The Black family had been cut down by so much. Only four of you existed and only one had the family name. Soon— he assumed— the one name would turn to zero. Maybe it was for the best. The Black family had too many aligned with dangerous blood purity views. A family of purebloods but also a family of friends to dark wizards. Besides, the line itself wouldn't be dead. Just new names to start over. He gave you one more hug before taking his broom off of the rack near the door and flying off.

You all went to King's Cross a week after the store opening to see Hermione off. She wanted to take the Hogwarts Express for her last year. Ginny stood with her as you gave them both hugs goodbye. A lot of people from your year were returning— Dean had given you a wave only moments ago before getting on the train. It might as well have been an eighth year with the amount of your former classmates returning. Only a few— like Neville, Ron, and Harry— went straight into work and didn't go back. Mr. and Mrs. Granger were actually there. You said hello to them and, while nervous, they greeted you all back. The smile on Hermione's face grew a bit as her parents seemed to approve of you all.

"Do you have everything?"

"Yes, Dad," Hermione said with a laugh. "Trunks are packed, we bought everything."

"Just checking."

The summer and therapy had really done her family well. You all had been taking therapy. Harry, Ron, and Neville used the therapist provided by the Auror's Office. You, Dean, Luna, and Ginny went to the same therapist named Dr. Cresswell. Cresswell was actually a recommendation from the Auror Department. You liked her because she had a baby mat in the corner for Teddy to play on during sessions. You also liked that she didn't push too far, too quick. That's why so many of you went to her. She understood the time it took to get comfortable and open up.

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