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It's another bright, beautiful day as I mindlessly search through the kitchen cupboards for food; humming a happy tune as I go. I open the last cupboard and pout as I can't find anything to eat but my eyes zero in into the small jar filled with brown chocolatey goodness. I squeal in delight as I find the hidden Nutella jar and reach to grab it. Unfortunately I'm not tall enough to reach so I tip toe and stretch my arm as far as it will go, my fingers dancing on the edges of the lid, unable to secure a grip.

A shout breaks my concentration and I snatch my arm away, but the jar is unintentionally pulled along and it clatters down onto the kitchen desktop and shatters on the floor. I automatically jump backwards, a reflex, as I watch the gooey liquid spill on the floor and splatter against different surfaces.

My mood immediately drops, and it's not due the mess I created.

"JI WON! WHERE ARE YOU?!" An angry voice yells and I start to panic. I hurriedly try to clean the mess but it's too late. He's already downstairs, eyes fixed on me, nostrils flaring. He's mad, and he's going to take it out on me.

I try to scoop up the spillage, cutting my fingers as I do so due to the broken glass, but it's a futile attempt since Ravi storms over to me.

"You made a mess! Are you thick or something?" He yells into my face and I keep my head down, and continue scooping it up.

Don't react, don't react, don't react.

"I'm talking to you!" He screams as he pulls my head up by my hair. Pain shoots through my scalp but I hold back tears. Fear creeping up inside of me, threatening to choke me but I keep a blank face. It'll only fuel his anger if I show any emotion.

"First you make a mess of my clothes since you can't iron properly and now you make a mess here!" He shouts into my face. His fingers tighten in my hair and I blink away tears.

"Make sure you sort my clothes properly and clean up!" He tugs my hair harder and forces me to look into his eyes. All I can see is pure anger reflected in his eyes, no traces of remorse or guilt to be seen anywhere and my heart breaks for the umpteenth time.

"You're useless and pathetic. I can't believe I'm related to someone as hopeless as you" he sneers before throwing me away and walking away.

I land on top of the shattered glass and the delicious spread I once loved, now repulses me as it stains my clothing.

He mutters under his breath in an irritated tone before he grabs hold of the vase in the hallways, throwing it in my direction. I don't move, knowing that if I did, he would make sure I would feel pain 10 times worse than what a plant pot would do.

He grunts in satisfaction as the vase hits me squarely on my back and beaks, a small whimper involuntarily escaping my mouth. He spins on his heel and leaves the house, making sure to slam the door as hard as he could, shaking the house.

I exhale out a shaky breath and slowly lift myself off the ground with shaky arms. Today wasn't so bad, the scars I received today weren't so bad. Even though I was bruised and bleeding, it wasn't so bad.

My attempt at consoling myself is disturbed as a sharp pain shoots through my back and I fall to my knees once again. I finally break and sob.

The one person who promised to take care of me, the one person who always stayed by my side, the one person who protected me, was the one person to turn his back on me and become everything he said he wouldn't.

Staring into his eyes, I hope, I pray, that there would be a glimmer of the old Ravi hidden inside. But every time I do, I no longer see my older brother, the one who I adored. Instead I'm faced with blackened orbs, empty and dead, and only a monster is shown.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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