Sana climbs down from the bed and goes to the drawing room. She turns on the TV and randomly takes out her anger on the remote control.

Sid and Nandini stare at each other.

Nandini: (whispers) All because of you.

Sid: (whispers) Me? It's because of you. You could have shut your mouth and gone but you chose to emotionally torture her by standing here.

Nandini: (whispers) Wow! You came in between first while I was happily getting massage from her.

Sid: (whispers) Stop blaming me. You can't win an argument with me. Think how we are going to pacify her.

Nandini: (whispers) Your girlfriend, you think. My akka, I already know how to pacify her. (Smirks)

Sid frowns as she goes out. He looks around cluelessly and his eyes fall on the coconut oil. He picks it up and goes outside. He stands behind the couch on which Sana was sitting and watching a Carnatic music concert. He pours oil into his hand, rubs it before rubbing it into her scalp. She gets a goosebumps at his touch.

Sana: (fumbles) What.. what are you doing? Leave it.. I.. I.. was not serious about getting a massage for myself.

Sid: But I want to give a massage, seriously. Keep quiet and enjoy the massage while listening to the Carnatic music.

Sana closes her eyes and enjoys the massage. Nandini gets a hot and freshly brewed coffee for Sana. Sana sniffs and opens her eyes.

Nandini: For you akka. Sorry and I love you.

Sana: (takes the cup and inhales the aroma) Wow!! I love the aroma of this coffee. Thanks. I love you too.

Nandini lifts her eyebrows at Sid and shakes her head to celebrate. Sid smirks and frowns. Sana looks at them both and subtly smiles.

Nandini: I have made coffee for you as well. I make the best coffee in the world, that's what my akka says. Go and get it from the kitchen.

Sid: Aww.. really? You are the sweetest witch I have ever come across in my life.

Nandini: (complains) Akka! He is calling me witch.

Sid: Did you hear the word sweetest as well?

Nandini: You are trying to hit me with footwear rolled in blanket. People will think you are playfully hitting me with blanket but the fact will remain that you are hitting me with footwear.

Sana: (facepalms) You two started again?

They both look at her with grimace. Nandini sits to Sana's left and holds her ears to say sorry with a pout. Sana kisses Nandini and spreads her arm. Nandini teases Sid by sticking her tongue out while she hugged Sana. Sid frowns and sits on the right side. Sana raises her eyebrows at him. He cups her face, says sorry and quick pecks her lips before hugging. Sana was shocked and Nandini was twice as shocked. He shuts his eyes while hugging Sana but shows Nandini a thumbs down.

After she leaves his embrace, she gets up and goes to her room without looking at anyone. Sid gets up to go behind her but Nandini stops him.

Nandini: That was just over the limit. It isn't a normal thing for her. Don't embarrass her further by going behind her.

Sid: I am sorry but Nandini I genuinely love her. I asked her to marry me but she turned it down.

Nandini: (surprised) What? Do you know..

Sid: Yes Nandini, I know she has only few days left with her and I want to fulfill all her wish before that.

Nandini was speechless. She felt bad for him because he was unaware of the lies.

Sid: But her rejection won't stop me to give her the love she deserves. She too has a dream to spend time with her husband and get loved by him. Though I am calling her girlfriend but for me she is my wife and I am not acting anymore.

Nandini put her head down.

Nandini: I am sorry, Bhava.

Sid: Bhava?

Nandini: Bhava means Brother-in-law in Kannada. She is my Akka so in that sense, you are my Bhava.

Sid: (smiles) Thanks Nandini.

Nandini: You can call me Nandu, Bhava.

Sid: Nandu. (Gives her side hug)

Nandini: (wipes her tear) I will go and check on your hendati. (He looks at her curiously) Hendati means wife.

Sid: (smiles) Hendati.. Hendati.. yes.. hendati.. and how do say husband?

Nandini: (giggles) Gandda

Sid: Ganda? That's dirty in Hindi.

Nandini: No, it Gandda not ganda. Gandda-Hendati. Husband-Wife.

Sid: (bright smile) Me-Sana, Gundda Hendati.. thanks Nandu.

Nandini: No mention, Bhava. (Laughs)
Nandini goes inside the room and finds Sana sitting with a book in her hand and lost in her thoughts

Nandini: Akka, what are you doing?

Sana: (breaks her trance) Huhh? Hmmm.. can't you see I am reading?

Nandini: Yeah, I can see that you are reading book upside down.

Sana: (shocked) Aaa.. aa.. I read it somewhere that if you practice reading by holding book upside down, it increases your reading speed and enhance the skills.

Nandini: What skills? You are already so skilled in lying akka.

Sana: What? When did I lie to you?

Nandini: When? When not? You are lying 24 hours to him, to me and most importantly to yourself. You love him, don't you?

Sana: What.. what rubbish? I don't.

Nandini: Oh! So he kissed your lips and you didn't for once revolted. You both are acting as boyfriend and girlfriend, right? But, y'all are not professional artist that you would kiss and hug even if there is no emotions. Why didn't you stop him? You know that you aren't suffering from any disease so why play with his emotions?

Sana: You don't like him right? Why are you bothered about his emotions?

Nandini: It's not about me or my liking Akka. It's about your integrity and his emotions which will be gone for a toss when he learns that you lied to save his life. Tell him the truth Akka. I have seen you suffering from inside. You are fighting a battle within yourself. Stop doing that.

Sana: You don't know anything about my treatment Nandu, so just don't fall in it. If I tell him the truth, he might harm himself again. He was betrayed once and doing it again might just escalate it further.

Nandini: I may not know about your treatment but I know you are doing wrong. Your intentions might be right but it's destructive. Think about it akka.

To be continued.. ❤️❤️

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