Chapter eight

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I wake up and it's the first time I don't look around anxiously to see if all my body parts are still on me I even enjoyed the night to be honest, that conversation with Ali and the feeling that he really wanted to hear my stories was nice.

I look around me calmly and see the other group members waking up they rub their eyes and are probably surprised that no one has attacked us.

If I weren't Soo-Yun I would probably admit that I start to feel comfortable here.

Suddenly, sirens go on as if there were a fire.

That's it with the reassured me.

"Attention all players please make your way to the center of the hall"

Completely sleepy and confused, we all stand up.

With my iron deficiency I have to gather myself briefly, because I get dizzy really quick.

The workers rush in and start investigating everything apparently something has happened, because it looks very serious.

We are all in rows as if we were divided into four groups

The workers sneak around us as if we had done something they watch us from bottom to top like the girls back in high school did.

"The fourth game is about to begin..."

The siren goes out and they carry on as if nothing happend

We have to follow them again. totally Lost I move my feet, one step after the other.

I haven't seen him yet, probably that's why he has told me yesterday who to join in the next game.

Because the sirens have stopped in the meantime it is now quiet you can only hear the footsteps of the others as always.

We enter the stairwell and my throat feels like it is being tied up.

There are four workers hanging on the wall plus the Doctor.

...Two of them have the square on the mask.

That must be a joke My breathing is hard I notice how I am flooded with panic like on the night of the massacre.

Only that it isn't now fear for my own life but the fear for a life that I have learned to love.

I'm starting to sweat no that can't be true not now!

I have to go on and pretend that everything is fine but I quickly realize that I am totally pale and the feeling comes over me that I have to vomit.

Okay stop - focus I didn't even notice what the voice was talking about and why should he have done something with the doctor and the other workers that was so bad that he had to be killed.

He is very smart and would never come up with risking his life... correct?

To be honest I don't really know but...

wait he has risked his life many times because of me.

Oh God.

Enough - I have to get rid of this thoughts if I want to survive.

We are back in this white room which could also be called a waiting room

well actually it is one.

I am getting more and more nervous because there are no signs that he is among us and slowly I start to think of why he told me the tip last night. Did he know he wouldn't be able to do it today?

I'm starting to detach myself from this reality I feel like I don't belong here anymore I feel like I've had a few shots and start to lose my mind.

Okay I have to find a partner like the voice told me to do minutes ago. I've spent the time I worry about whether if he is still alive or not.

I see player 212 running around in panic because she still hasn't found a partner and the time is almost up.

"Team up with your enemy in the next game" I remember his words.

This is my chance

"We should form a team"

"And how do you come to the conclusion that I would ever go into a team with you?" she asks with a surprised, yet disgusted look

"Well quite simply you don't have anyone yet I don't have anyone yet the time is soon over and we both know that we want to win here so who is more ambitious here than the two of us."

Okay wow to get these words out of my mouth were harder than I thought, after all we don't like each other and actually she would really be the last one I would want to have in a team but when I look around here I realize that I don't really have any other choices anyway.

"Fine, but only because you would be lost without me" girl you wish.

The time is finally over and we step into another hall that reminds me very much of a village.

"Attention all players,  please follow the staff to your positions for the game."

in front of us are only workers with a triangle on the mask no square nearby.

All teams are brought in different directions so that they are no longer in sight.

The person in the suit and the triangle on his mask stops and turns to us, so that we are also forced to stop we take a look at each other but it stays only briefly as if it was an accident.

The situation is getting more tense I still don't know where he is I don't know why he told me that I should get together with the enemy it repeats itself in my head constantly asking the same questions.

"players please take one pouch each"

Shit I was never good at this marble game no matter how we played it back then I always lost So it would be good if at least my partner is good at it.

"In this game using your set of ten marbles you play the game of your choice with your partner the player who manage it to take all ten marbels from their partner wins"

I can't help but laugh at myself.

"Are you serious, you laugh in this situation? one of us will die!"

"Yeah, ironic isn't it" I can't take this seriously I really couldn't fucked up more.

"You have 30 minutes for this game let the game begin"

"So - how would you like to play this game I'm fine with whatever suits you best." I say - I really have no hope of winning this game and I think I'll get along with it, I'm starting to getting enough of all this anyway."

And if I have to life without knowing if he was one of the dead workers in the stairwell I just can't, that would break me in any way you could imagine.

He showed me why life is worth living and that even before we met here again.

I will always be grateful to him for that, I don't think he knows how much he saved me in every way. Ali the only one I really like here will take care of my mother I don't want anymore and I can't even if he is still alive how are we supposed to get out of here together? it was so stupid of me to think that there will be a future for both of us no wonder that he found it amusing when I talked to him about Europe. Only one of us will come out of here and that will not be me I won't let him worry about me again I want him to life.

I close my eyes and accept my fate.

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