Chapter 2

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After a thorough examination, Aurora sighed as she left Joke to sleep in the bed. "Milana, you are so not going to want to hear this." Aurora set her clipboard on the table. "If that boy's parents happen to show up I am going to just-!" She accidentally crushed her pen and ink exploded in her face which made her growl. Milana handed her a package of alcohol wipes and she rubbed the ink off. "You know I am not usually a violent person but..." "But certain times call for certain measures?" "Yeah. Something like that." She got into the drawer and grabbed another pen and placed it behind her ear. She looked solemnly at Milana and sighed.

 "So, not only were his eyes damaged, but his ears were as well. I restored his eyelids and a small portion of his sight but I'm afraid most of it was permanent damage that not even magic can save. I'll have to get him set up for the optometrist's as well. Anyways, they burned his eyes with a torch, used to freeze his ears, and were going to take him and other siblings to auction as slaves." "Oh my, people are so horrible!" "That's not even the half of it, turns out I know who his family is." "Who?" "Remember how I told you I grew up around those two rich girls Myra and her ass of an older sister Mira?" "Yeah? The ones who lost their parents in the accident?" "Yeah them. Mira is his mother." "You're kidding, right? That bitch has kids!?" "Yeah, who knew? I guess once Mira married Thomas Jones but he took her name to be "part of the nobility". Trying to get some of her folk's money more like. Ugh. I still think Mira had something to do with her parent's death but no one could ever get solid evidence that she did." Aurora looked down the hallway at Joke's room. "How could anyone look at their child and think 'I made this, but, I hate it so I'm going to take my misery out on it'? It makes no damn sense." She whines softly, holding back tears, then clears her throat. "I'm going to call Myra to take him, maybe we can get something arranged for him... It's a good thing we've stayed in contact all these years." "I'll look Mira up in the database because if she is as bad as you said there's no way we can just let him go back to them." "My thoughts exactly." Aurora sighed.

"But hopefully she'll help, I can't let him go back there knowing what horrors await him." Aurora whispered, her voice starting to break "G you need to go relax for a moment you're getting too worked up about this kid." "I know... I know... But I just can't help it... I know we're not supposed to get too attached to our patients but he's so little... Maybe... If Myra can't adopt him... maybe..." Aurora bit her thumb nail. "...Maybe you can?" Milana smirked a bit. "I've seen nurses adopt before so why not again?" Aurora smiled. "Thanks Mil." "Alright I'll give her a call." Aurora pulled out an old notebook with various numbers scribbled in it. "Could, um, could you maybe call her for me? I'm not exactly good with words when I'm emotional..." "Sure girl." Milana picked up the desk phone and dialed Myra's number. "Hopefully she didn't lose her number..." Aurora muttered but was met with surprise when the call rang through. "Hello Ms. Sryter? We have your nephew here at our hospital and we need the consent of a family member to do some more thorough investigation on his case." "Nephew? I thought I only had a niece that ran off a few years ago. Yeah sure what hospital are you because if you're calling me you must be serious, seeing how my number is private." Myra replied over the phone. "Private?" Milana asked worriedly. "Oh yeah you know how spam callers are." "Oh, right, anyways." Milana proceeded to give Myra the information needed and the directions to get to the hospital. After an hour and a half Myra walked in and asked for her nephew to which she was then led to the room he was located. "Oh my goodness Aurora is that you? Damn, you really did become a nurse." "I did. I told you when we were kids I was going to." "You sure did." Myra chuckled. "And I'm guessing you stuck with what you said after what happened with that group?" "Oh um yeah but shush about it will ya?" "Mhm. So your nephew is in the room asleep." "Well let's go in then and wait." "I'll just wake him, he's been asleep for a while." Aurora led Myra into the room and proceeded to gently wake the child. "Joke sweetie... Time to get up, your aunty is here to see you." Joke rubbed his eyes and squinted at them. "Oh yes, here dear, try these." Aurora gave him a pair of glasses which helped him somewhat. "Wh-what's she doing here!? Th-that's my mom!!!" He began to freak out and panic. "Woah woah woah there little guy. I'm not your mom. I've never seen you before today."

Myra was a bit taller than Aurora, red wavy hair, and was the same type of creature Aurora was, her wings were black with a fiery red highlight to them, her horns were a greyish color, looking exactly like her older sister, however her sister did not have wings but did have the horns. She wore black and red almost skin tight clothing and a black hood 

 "Calm down kiddo I'm not here to hurt you. I would never hurt a kid." Myra tried reaching out to the boy yet he still backed away. "N-no." He whined. "Don't touch me." "What was his name?" "Joke." "Joke, kiddo, I'm Myra, your aunt. Not your mom. I haven't seen your mom in years." "I don't trust you." He whispered, holding in tears. "It's okay, I understand." "It's okay little guy. Your parents will never touch you again... I'll make sure of it." Aurora said reassuringly. "Here's the juice and crackers~!" Milana brought them in and set them on the tray next to Joke. "I'd love to stick around but I gotta get back down the hall." She patted Aurora and Myra's backs. "Good luck ladies." "Yeah thanks Mil we're gonna need it." Aurora sighed. "Hey Aurora, if they let me take him may we stay at your place for a bit? My place is....being renovated." Myra asked softly. "Oh yeah sure." Aurora smiled. Joke ignored the two clucking hens and ate his graham crackers and juice. "Wh-what kind of juice is this?" "Huh? Oh! Fruit punch I think. Why, is something wrong? I can get you something else, we have orange juice, apple, grape, watermelon I think. Or I can just get you some water if you don't like any of those dear." "N-no it's good. Thank you." "Oh, you're welcome, Joke." Aurora smiled. 

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