a litle thing called DEAD

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"What you thing your doing little boy?" Mr Patton said hoverign behind Minky and he look behind him and saw this man with a cowboy ha.t... He tip his hat at hing and say "You do'nt wanna go in that room I promise yiu that much partner" Mubky got a (Pattin say) werid felign of this man like maybe he wanst real and maybe it coud all be some sort of dream... What hapened in thr room though munky thoght to himsulf and wondered all the posible thing that may hapen in such a ghoustly room to were he coudl not see a thing when tryign to telipithickly comunicate with it "What hapened in the room 402" Mucky sayid and Patton smirk disapearign into the dark of the hotle like steam from a hod-dog unto the nite sky..
Ghis place is werid... And it dont make sceintific sents
(This frighted monkt)

The hotle was dead silint and this bring a boutiful fright to jomathan as he try to get spme kidn of slepe (No slepe since ye ' died  ') "I ju"s t want to rest Jon tried to say but gave up his emergy was depletig it was goign fast and he did nt know what to do becuse it was nigttime and he coudn NOT slepe in the bight dark.. He did heared some voices aoutside his dore kind of familure to munckys voice but he figure oh boy im jusr skitsofrenic jon nobody care and i  have demon vouses folow me everywere of corse.. litle did he know the events that wiud conspire nexts were insaenly chilign and wrong...
Dead wrogn.
Jon get up to go get a drink he figure hes at the hitle anywaay abd he mite as wool do somthign to pas the time. he new he sgoud not mix acohall wuth his medicashin but he dudnt give a fu*c:k(i know)
as he walkeed down the halway and go to the elevatr hhe went downh to the first or secodn flore im not really sure witch one has the beer but thats the one he wentvto

Micky returned to the hotle room all the NuCoRn boys woud share and sighed it hurt him to keep secrets frohm his boys but he new he coudnt di it not this time it would have to stayvsecrevr and silent that he kew the dark tryth about room 403
"We shoudl do somethibg fun Head said" Hed say to the  gang but they have other thigns pn there mind and fildey was alreddy soudn aslepe "Wellp ok then i will e☹️plore the hotle on my own without anyone else help or protecyion yup I will.."
And litle did head know yhat this was called
The overlocked hotel....
For a reason. A Dead reason....
He walk thriugh the hallways and see this tall man stragne looking guy with dark dreadlocs and a adidas track suit and wondered "Hm.. He coud be in are band but what a stragne guy' he thout to himsef
The stragne man who nobody knew look at head and sucenly it all come back to him
The man runned away like a fantom into the dark of the hotle (elavator(

Jon as he was kn the elavator he wondered 'Was this head that i sawed or another ulusion...' After all his best corn freinds dident trued to save him from hell as far as he knowed... Sudenly a wave and flash come to him his hole bodey start shakes and begin to disipate feom sole to earth to bodey..... it did not bmake senst we all knoew but he start this starange trasformashion... it did not make senst 'Wel probably just some demones' Jonnthought as he steped into the room of bere and bars. He was greted by a handome man with a cowbaby cap and he said "Greetings good eveining" Woudk you like a drink? He saud with this guoulish look in hi s big round dreamy brown eyes that had beutifuk elashes that draped acros his round big brown dreamy eyes and he even alided Jong a cocka collar (drink) and hetakes it. "yea Iwould like a drink please paa ton.. God" and he Did get it. .Wh"o's this head brian head Welch your talking about?" DEMON inckquiared. "Nothing shut up its nothing..." Jonmatan cried a little and he's face turnt red with emotion and like rage and stuff. What coudit mean'? Iit is to scary to say jonathan thoufgt...

"Hey HEY!!" Coboy man say and loud too,. "Are you crying on my Bar??!?" He was. Realy. Agngery. Jon thout abiot hos life and fucked away and he was just so nuch intwine with his eveil fuct up aide... "If you reley want me to leave you justs stay so..." Jon m sayed as his tears stung his litle cheekies.. Mikel patton ( Mr Paton) Clenched his fitsts and then unchlenched them and soemthing serene came over him (Devil)
"No no.... You stay..... Your goign to drink my drinks. Your my favorieet cumstomer after all Mr Davis!"
Jomathan felt a red creep up on his chekes and not the sad angery kidns... Maybemr patton had hsi best interets after all? the red in jomatyans eyes leaved back to whatever jomathans natural eye coloru is (brown:
"You know mr paton i would sell my souls for a darn drink of alcahol" Jon suad
Big mitsake.
"You.....woudl sell your soule for a drink of alcahol?"
Lyes jonmathaj replied to the cowboy "Well well well you plaied your cards right" He saied 'cowboy' as the he whipped out some jack wisky daneils and the cowboe clasped his fingers together revealign a devilish smirk that looked exactly liek the Satan Jon met once before logn ago on that crismis night.. Sudenly jon was unsure and gscared "Is this real?' Jom thoght to himself but acidentily saide out liud (he does not have a goodcontrol on these thigns) Mr patons eyes flahsed red and he said in a two toend voicr "Drink."

Head wobled into the hotle and ran cryign scared shakign "MUNKY! FEEDY! WAKE UP PLEASE!" He say shakign the earth clicthing his braids and cryign LOUD to. "Head. What. we all was slepigj and you come in hwre like you own the place"
Fediy snap up ou t his slepe and say "No stupid jonatah is dead as we all now..."
Or he is? Head think...
This is scarey, everythign too scarey


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