chapter 6

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Last we left off on the flame hero izuku just got done hanging out with his girlfriend and her friends during the weekend but now we focus on dagumo beach now clear of garbage

That's where we see are main character Izuku doing some last minute work out before he goes to the ua entrance exam

Everything seemed normal as participants for the UA entrance exam as everyone was walking through the gates getting ready to start their careers is Heroes until they heard the Roar of a motorcycle coming down the road as all the participants saw a light green motorcycle park in the parking lot right across from the University as a man gets off the bus like it was none other then our main character as he took off his helmet I left it on his bike you put the keys in his jacket start walking to the University until he saw a brown haired girl about to trip so he used his lightning manipulation in his legs to boost his speed and caught the girl Bridal Style

Izuku: you know it's bad luck to fall on the first day of school right

??: ( blushing 😳) ummm thank you for saving me from falling I'm ochako uraraka nice to meet you uh

Izuku: izuku, izuku midoriya nice to meet you but we should get inside or we will miss the exam

As both izuku and ochako walked in they got to there seats and were getting ready for the writing exam

(1hour later)

After everyone got done with the written exam they all went to the amphitheater to prepare for an explanation of the Practical portion of the exam after everyone was settled in their seeds the Pro Hero present mic came in and explain the point system how there are three different types of points there's the one pointers two pointers and then the three pointers he was about to explain the next subject until a blue-haired boy with glasses interrupted him

??: excuse me sir I have a question

Mic: yes little listener

??: yes I was wondering if UA is known for lack of information because it says here that there are four things we should know about

Mic: thank you participant 7575 that last opponent is more of an obstacle and I highly suggest you ignore it

??: thank you sir and you with the coyboy hat and green hair you have had that uninterested look on your face if you are not taking this seriously then I suggest you leave

Izuku: why don't you take that stick out of your ass before I shove a deeper one up it and I burn your arrogant ass and I don't see anyone else bothered by my looks if you're so focused on my looks I would suggest that you shut up because I don't swing that way so shut it before I burn you.

As the amphitheater burst with laughter the boy who called out our main character sat down embarrassed soon after present mic got done explaining what we should do and everyone was separated two different practice field our main character was in practice field B and was getting ready then he sees ochako who looked nervous so he decided to walk up to her and try to calm her down but the boy from earlier grabbed him bye his shoulder

???:are you trying to distract her if you are I would-

But before he could finish he was interrupted by izuku slapping his hand off his shoulder

Izuku:first off I'm not distracting her I saw she was nervous so I was gonna go over there to calm her down so she could focus on this portion of the test and second stop worrying about me and-

Izuku the flame flame heroحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن