Chapter Two

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"Hey homies! What's crackalackin? Right now me and the gang are getting ready for a concert with Jagged freaking Stone! That's insane right? Mari's freaking out, but we all know she's gonna be great. I honestly don't think she can be bad at anything. Allegra's cleaning her bass for like the fifth time tonight. Fe's busy trying to avoid me for undisclosed reasons."

Claude leaned in close to the camera and spoke in a dramatic stage whisper. "I might have embarrassed him in front of a certain someone."

He winked and chuckled before continuing in his normal voice. "The only one not freaking out would be Allen. Somehow he's just chillin'. Completely normal, it kind of freaks me out."

Claude aimed the camera at Allen who sat at his makeup chair and watched Marinette pace in front of him. Marinette was rubbing her sweaty palms on her black tights and mumbling about song lyrics and problematic lighting.

"Mari might be freaking out enough for the both of them though."

Claude's monologue was cut off by the cheering of a crowd.

"Oh shit! I guess it's time to go, peace out my darlings!"


"Holy fucking shit balls!"

"Claude! Language!"

"Sorry Mari..."

Claude lowered his camera from the dumpster Marinette, Allegra, and surprisingly Félix, had lit on fire.

In their defense, though, it was an accident.

Arson had not been on the agenda that day. And yet, Allegra got bored and jokingly suggested arson to fix it.

And arson they did commit.

"Are you still filming, Claude? Put that camera away."

"I will most certainly not! I'm gonna need evidence when I report you to the fuzz!" Claude screeched, running from Allegra.

Allegra tackled Claude causing him to lose his grip on the camera, dropping it on the pavement. Luckily, the camera remained unbroken, albeit a bit scratched.

From behind the camera, the viewers could hear Claude's moans of despair coupled with Allegra's laughter. That is, before Claude lunged for her and successfully knocked her off her feet.

While they grappled in the background, Marinette had pulled out marshmallows and was teaching Félix how to make smores. Allen munched on a graham cracker.

The video blinked out.


There are three things louder than anything else.

Number one: mass eruptions of who knows what.

Number two: big ass meteorites

Number three: Alya Césaire's shriek of unjustified anger.

Luckily, the Quantics had a pretty large fanbase at Francois Dupont. Large enough to make any annoyances simply disappear.

And that was Alya's downfall, she always wanted to draw attention to a nice takedown. Especially when Marinette Dupain-Cheng is involved.

Alya's shriek caught the attention of most of the school, because when Alya Césaire has something to say, it's usually hilarious bullshit. But that attention was snagged away by Francois Dupont's very own Quantics.

Almost the second before Alya was in front of Marinette and her friends, she was swept away by a tidal wave of students clamoring for autographs and pictures.

Claude And The QuanticsWhere stories live. Discover now