regulus makes foolish decisions

Start from the beginning

Arcturus Black: I shall honour the will of the magick, and name thee Alkaid, the leader, for thou shall marshal's the way to glory.

He carefully unwrapped the blanket the newly named Alkaid was saddled in showing her tiny arm which had silver ' Toujours purs ' written on it and channelled his magic in the writing.

Those who are familiar with the conduct understand the significance of the action, their eyes widen at the naming of the heir, who is a fourth born female, a rarity.

Arcturus Black: I agnize thee, Alkaid Cassiopeia, the daughter of mine son, the one who leads. Thou hast been chosen by the will of magic and that of stars. They shall lead the name Black, I name thee the Heir of the Noble and the Most Ancient House of Black for the Black Magick hast claimed thee. Toujour purs echoes in thy soul.

Magic erupts again, this time brighter, gasps ring out as the words echo in the room resonating.

Sirius Fangirl Association (SFA) cry in denial as their dreams shatter.

People turned to the Blacks with accusing eyes only to receive blank stares devoid of emotion.

The screen turns black before lightening up again this time a dark cave is shown, two hooded figures entering a dark cave. Water dripped from above as the stars cried in sorrow, knowing of the sacrifice about to be made.

Smaller figure: Kreacher pleads with Master, to not do this. Master Siri and Seus be sad, Mistress Kaid cry.

Taller figure: I have to complete the task Kreacher, my brothers and sister will understand.

"It seems it is you and your elf, Regulus." Barty said, "What are you doing in such a dreary place, darling?"

"It's in the future, Arty. I wouldn't know." Regulus replied, before releasing that his best friend called him 'darling' and flushing red, the brain suddenly malfunctioning.

Sirius is worried, what are you doing that will make us cry, Reggie?

Andromeda and Narcissa see the exchange between their cousin and his friend and smirk slightly giving each other knowing looks. Melania holds in a squeal, her grandchild has a crush~.

Regulus is shown entering the dark cave only to come across a boulder.

He laughs suddenly, the sound echoing in the cave as he observes the stone.

"Why the fuck is he laughing?" Mclaggen, exclaimed then turned towards the Black, "Have you finally gone insane?"

Regulus just sneers at him.

Regulus: A blood sacrifice? The half-blood demands my blood as payment? Ha!


"Which half-blood?"

He cuts his palm and rubs the bloodied limb on the surface.


The Boulder shifts open.

An increasingly pale Regulus is shown stepping forward and stumbling only for Kreacher to catch and support him.

Kreacher: Dark rocks taking Master Regulus's Magic. Master shouldn't go ahead. Master getting hurt.

Regulus: Enough, Kreacher. I have to do this to protect my family.

Walburga frowns in worry.

"You don't have to do anything Reggie, you should have taken someone else with you," Sirius said, for once living up to his name.

Quite a few people frown at the Gryffindor worrying about a 'filthy slytherin'.

The camera follows them in front of a dark lake, which has a small island in the middle.

Regulus: Take me to the island, Kreacher.

Kreacher (wails): Good Master Regulus!

But complies with the order. They disappear from the screen, reappearing after a second in the zoomed view of the island.

A basin and a goblet are kept at the stone, Regulus moves forward to check the contents, an emerald potion, his face pales.

Regulus: This is the drink of despair!

Narcissa pales, "Do not even think of drinking it REGULUS!"

Regulus is shown trying to reach the bottom

Severus watches in horrified fascination as Regulus on the screen does just that.

Kreacher (wails): Master Regulus, Kreacher will drink it! He must, so good Master shan't drink!

"Reggie, please don't drink it!" gasps out Andromeda.

Regulus stays stoic but pale watching, observing and dreading.

Regulus: I order you to make me drink it Kreacher! Make sure I don't stop! and when I finish it, apparate out of here with whatever artefact is hidden in the vessel and destroy it this I command as the scion of the Black family.

Kreacher wails but does as ordered.

"You foolish boy!" Walburga cries out breaking her persona for the whole Hogwarts to see, shocking everyone.

James watches concerned as he views Padfoot suppress flinches as the screen shows Regulus crying out for his brother.

He puts a comforting hand on his best mate's thigh, who turns and smiles hesitantly at him.

Regulus drinks from the goblet with shaking hands. His eyes are wide unseeing as he cries desperately for his siblings.

Kreacher is shown force-feeding him.

Silent tears run down many faces.

Fast forward to Regulus fighting the inferni before being dragged into the lake by them.

Kreacher apparates his body shaking with grief, wanting to save his master, but unable to as he is bound by the magical vow to obey.


Long time no see!

Quick question/

What is your Hogwarts house?

Mine is Slytherin.

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