🌷♥𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻♥ 1🌷

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Makomo's POV: 

I woke up to another boring day in my life I checked the time

"oh no I'm late "

I quickly changed and ran downstairs  I went out without eating anything, luckily the bus stop was near so I  ran and arrived just in time. I sat next to a guy in the bus who seemed suspicious and gave off a strange vibe I did not really care and put on my headphones.

~Time Skip~

The teacher entered slamming the door hard behind her.

"Class, we have a new student who transferred to our school today introduce yourself" 

"Hi my name is Sabito nice to meet you" the new kid said.

The girls seem to gather around the new kid but he did not seem to care. I felt like he could be a rude guy but for me he seems like a really nice person. I got another idea to add to my wish list!!, I had a whish list of things that I wanted to do. I had pretty strict parents so i don't have a lot of freedom, anyways the new thing that I wanted to add was Finding true love and Finding a real friend. Because I'm rich I'm always surrounded by fake people so i never really got to know how having a true friend felt like. And true love many had asked me to be their date but i decline cause I never really felt like any of them truly loved me.

At lunch i was sitting and eating until i heard a voice behind me.

"Hey can I sit here"

I froze and looked behind me, it was the new kid!!!

"umm .... yea of course" i couldn't hide my blush after looking at him up close he looked pretty handsome.

He just nodded and sat next to me 

"So what is your name" Sabito asked me.

"oh.... my name is Makomo, it's  really nice to meet you sabito"

He noded again and said "nice to meet you too makomo"

Sabito's POV:

That girl she is the only one that did not cling to me or asked me about my plaster on my cheeks covering the scar that i have. And she is beautiful not like any girl I've seen up till now, most of the girls that I have seen had  a lot of makeup on their faces, but she was the opposite she was naturally beautiful. I can see that she is really embarrassed I wish Tomioka was here, he is the only friend i have. It was class time and the teacher told us that we have a project and we are going into pairs, but she will chose them. And guess who she choose for me non other then Makomo. 

"So hello partner" Makomo said with a cheerful tone.

"Hello Makomo, So what is the project about i wasn't paying attention"  I said with a cold tone.

"well we are supposed to write about dangerous addictions and their affect" Makomo said.

"oh ok how about we write about drugs" I suggested

She seemed pretty shocked but still agreed to it. We started researching and doing the plan "Man she is smarter than me" I thought then the bell rang we packed our stuff, but she asked me if we can finish it so i just nodded and asked her.

"so you want to finish soon? we can go to my house or yours just pick" I asked hoping she would not say my house, because my house is chaotic my father and mother always fight so she would not enjoy being at my house.

"how about your house Sabito" she said clapping her hands together.

"I'm sorry makomo but i can't so lets just go to your house instead, because they are painting my house so we can't actually go" I said trying to make good excuses.

Makomo looked at me and nodded with a sad expression. I wonder why?

"Hello mom and dad I'm home and i brought a friend with me"

To be continued......

A/N hello everyone !! I'm new to Wattpad and writing in general so I hope you like my first fanfic !! Please let me know if you have any feedbacks <3

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