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I've never been in love. I've never understood love either. It just doesn't make sense to me. I've heard, "Lani you're in high school now! Get a boyfriend already." A billion times. I just don't know how. Trust me if I could I definitely would. I'm sick of being single.

Something a lot of people don't understand about me though is that I'm actually pretty weird. I'm a theatre kid, I don't have many friends, and my voice is the only thing that I can rely on to get into college. Thinking about how sad my life actually is gives me chills. Will I have to live like this forever?

Since I just got into my next big musical I was really excited. It sort of took my mind off of my horrible day so far. I threw on my shoes and over sized beige jacket. I slid on my favorite pair of leggings and called an Uber over to get me to the school my first rehearsal was at.

I walked in. The room was filled of kids chattering and gave me that warm at home feeling. Ah, how I missed theatre. I chose a seat and placed my bag on the ground. "Hello everybody! Welcome to the Payson arts academy! Please take a seat!" Said a tall lady standing at the front of the room.

She had an extremely sweet looking smile on her face and a dress with hundreds of warm colors scattered throughout the pattern. She walked through the room examining every one of us seated around. She gave me one good look and motioned me out of the room.

This scared me, I thought I had just been kicked out! I stepped outside of the room, stuff in hand, ready to cry. All of a sudden a couple of teens and a middle aged woman came around the corner of the hall. "Ah! Lani, there you are." Said the woman. I looked around confused. "Follow me. You'll be singing today!" She continued with a smile.

I realized that I had been selected to sing for the musical and followed the woman. We stepped inside of a large room and she gestured to a seat in the Corner and told me to have a seat. Once I sat down she started talking. "So, right now we're going to be singing this song to warm up our voices." She handed out a copy of Happy Birthday to everyone and sat down at the piano.

She played a key symbolizing a starting key and began to play. All of a sudden I heard something. A voice. Deep and full of heart. It echoed the room completing distracting me from the task at hand. I looked around trying to figure out which angel this sound was coming from. Suddenly, I saw him right across from me.

His brown fluffy hair swayed back and forth as he sang. His eyes, dark and mysterious yet light and kind focused on the music. His baggy clothes, and perfect smile made me blush. I sighed. He was just so amazing. And that voice! I couldn't believe it was even real. I stared at him as the song continued to play. He looked up at me.. and winked.

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