Squad goals

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Pip: good morning people, have a wonderful day and wake the fuck up
Ari: Pips bae, ilysm but pls stop texting us at 6 in the fucking morning
Jas: I agree, im so sorry Pips, i love you
Pip: fine, i never will again
Ari: NO
Ari: just stop doing at 6am...
Ant: can you all kindly shut the fuck up
Jas: Whore
Ant: did you just call me a whore
Jas: yes i did, whore
Ari: 🎵cAn YoU fEeL tHe LoVe ToNiGhT🎶
Pip: they're literally adorable
Ant: how the fuck is that "aDoRaBlE"
Jas: what the actual fuck
Leslie: Please for the love of god, GO BACK TO BED
Ari: bold of you to assume I left my bed...
Jas: I love you Ari 💀💀
Pip: Why are you up leslie?
Leslie: I'm a father of a five year old who wakes up at 5am
Leslie: why the do you think I'm up?
Ren: oh I'm a mother as well, it's exhausting and I agree with Leslie and ask you all the stop
talking on the fucking group chat
Ari: fine...

Oak: how the fuck did all that happen at 6am
Lin: that's what I'm wondering lol
Emmy: I just came back from a run and I did yoga at 6am
Jas: ...
Ari: how the fuck are you that active
Emmy: it's easy, once you got into a routine
Lin: I will never understand you
Oak: How the fuck do you find that energy and effort
Leslie: my thoughts exactly
Lin: On another note, we found the group chat parents
Emmy: Mother Ren and Father Leslie
Ren: I just burnt my cookies
Ren: someone help me before my kids find out and murder me
Pip: we must pay our respects to Mother Ren
Oak: rip Mother Ren
Lin: goodbye mother ren
Ari: Ayyyyy

Daveed: i just woke up to 10000 messages
Emmy: it's 4pm
Daveed: I went to sleep at 5:30
Emmy: what the fuck is wrong with you
Emmy: At 5:30 in the fucking morning?
Daveed: yh.....
Ren: you would not survive being a parent
Daveed: And i don't want to be...
Lin: Is your life that boring?
Daveed: I have nothing to do in my life so yh ig
Leslie: that's sad
Jas: very sad
Daveed: ok???
Lin: how's quarantine going for everyone
Jas: boring
Ant: sleep, eat, repeat
Ari: eating my entire weight
Emmy: I'm being active
Daveed: I'm quarantined with my best friend

Ren: love thatRen: I've been looking after my kids and swearing at the online learning Leslie: same Ren but swearing in my headLin: I've been writing lots of songsAnt: i would be but writers block is a fucking bitchJas: I've been attempting to wri...

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Ren: love that
Ren: I've been looking after my kids and swearing at the online learning
Leslie: same Ren but swearing in my head
Lin: I've been writing lots of songs
Ant: i would be but writers block is a fucking bitch
Jas: I've been attempting to write more songs lol
Emmy: I've been lookjng at that photo for way too long
Pip: i bet you wannaaa
Emmy: ew
Emmy: It looks like you're at a studio Daveed
Daveed: cuz i am, that was like a year ago lol
Emmy: I was gonna say lol
Ren: that's adorable omg
Pip: ikr
Daveed: what the fuck
Emmy: how is that adorable
Daveed: Who's emmy and why the fuck does this chick talk to Diggs sm
Lin: what?
Daveed: sorry i didn't introduce myself, I'm Rafael Casal, Daveed's best friend

Ren: love thatRen: I've been looking after my kids and swearing at the online learning Leslie: same Ren but swearing in my headLin: I've been writing lots of songsAnt: i would be but writers block is a fucking bitchJas: I've been attempting to wri...

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Daveed: i stole his phone lol
Ari: ohhh well hi
Daveed: whos emmy tho
Emmy: i'm emmy
Daveed: why do you talk to diggs so much
Lin: oooooooo
Daveed: i retrieved my phone
Daveed: im so sorry about him em
Emmy: it's fine lol
Pip: YES
Daveed: fine
Daveed added Rafa
Rafa: wtf
Rafa: oh this group
Rafa: hi
Lin: hiiii
Rafa: please for the love of Diggs' hair floof, call me Rafa and never call me Rafael
Emmy: 💀💀💀
Ari: "Diggs' hair floof" ✋😭
Pip: He's great
Daveed: bitch look at the songs you wrote
Daveed: They're literally porn in a song
Oak: what did i jus come back to...
Jas: "porn in a song" ✋✋✋
Ant: i'm dying
Rafa: rip
Ren: I like him, he's here to stay
Rafa: why thank you
Daveed: You're so modest
Rafa: fuck off Diggs
Rafa: You've literally never had a commitment relationship so stfu
Daveed: wowww
Daveed: just fucking call me out like that ig
Leslie: i'm sat here eating popcorn because you 2 are very entertaining
Oak: ikr
Ari: It's very interesting

Jas: "porn in a song" ✋✋✋Ant: i'm dyingRafa: ripRen: I like him, he's here to stayRafa: why thank you Daveed: You're so modest Rafa: fuck off DiggsRafa: You've literally never had a commitment relationship so stfuDaveed: wowwwDaveed: just fucking ...

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Ari: OMG
Daveed: i swear to god Rafael
Rafa: i'll delete it
Rafa: i'm not deleting it
Daveed: bitch
Rafa: you're a fucking bitch
Oak: you 2 arguing gives me life
Ant: idk how we ever lived without it
Jas: ikr

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