A Villainous Reunion: Project Field Tiller

Start from the beginning

Izuku: your reaching you limit aren't you Denki

Denki got up and looked over to his classmate


the students got out of their trances and began to gang up of Izuku only for him launch a massive wave of ice at them, trapping them inside. Izuku them turned only to have a large boulder crush him

Inko: *huff**huff* take that, you little shi--

she was cut off as the field tiller socked her in the face and launched her into a nearby wall. The robot made its way over to Izuku and lifted the boulder off of him. Izuku, who was using Kirishima's quirk, got up from the hole in the ground as he surveyed the area looking for Tomura. His question answered when he heard the booming voice of Allmight yell "PLUS ULTRA". He looked over and say the nomu be sent flying out of the USJ and out of sight, he also noticed Allmight covered by smoke, Tomura and Kurogiri. He and the field tiller walked over to them with Katsumi still in the machines clutches

AM: I can't believe you would betray us

Izuku: yeah well karmas a bitch Assmight

Tomura: whilst killing you would have been nice, we have our primary objective so we shall take our leave.

Izuku: kurogiri, warp us to father

the warp villain nods as he opens a portal for them all to escape. Shigaraki looks back at the symbol of peace before saying

Tomura: All for one sends his regards

A chill went down All Mights spine, how was All for one alive. Suddenly the rest of the UA staff arrived but it was for naught as they saw the robot and Izuku enter the warp gate as it closed behind him. The staff was perplexed as they had no idea who the green haired individual was until all might powered down and explained to them what happened. 

They were shocked to say the least, not only did they have something that went toe-to-toe with him but Izuku was brothers with the man named "Tomura Shigaraki". Not to mention learning he had a quirk and that the massive machine was designed by the boy as well. Their questions became much clearer when a certain student spoke up to them. 

???: so, you wanna know about Izuku?

they turned to see Denki Kaminari standing their with several bruises as well as him still holding his stomach as Izuku socked him really hard.

Nezu: what do you know about him?

Denki: A whole shit-ton, I was his best friend for the last five years and he practically told me everything

Mic: what did he say

Denki: they only reason he joined the hero course was to figure out what happened to his brother and biological father, thought the detail about them being villains is new to me

AM: anything else

Denki: I also know what that massive robot was that attack use

Inko, who was being held up by midnight as she was still weakened from over usage of her quirk

Inko: he called it a "field tiller" why is that?

Denki: its from a video game called Genshin Impact and its real name is a "ruin guard". They were called field tillers by their creators before their nation was destroyed by celestia, the universe version of mount Olympus so to speak. 

Mic: what did it do?

Denki: the ruin guards had several attacks, many of which were used by this one during its battle with use such as its launch and jump attack as well as its spinning move. Thought there was one it didn't use which leads me to believe it was incomplete.

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