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There's been a talk you always wanted to talk with your friends about badly.

You wanted to ask them,  you wanted them to ask you,  you wanted to stop this curiosity of yours.

But the only problem is you don't have friends at school not only that is you're very choosy which nobody blames you cause you literally just got betrayed two days ago, the wall that kept you from people only got stronger and firmer but one thing that you found really weird was whenever you talk with your friends on the internet..

You feel that wall weakening and slowly disappearing into thin air.


Back to the talk that was being asked at the entire school. Yes, you badly wanna talk about it with your girl friends like you just said but there's one thing that is stopping you... Actually two.

The question was...

:What's your type?

Although you're a girl who doesn't give a shit about relationships, you do have a type but it's just that it way far different from the other students.

Some likes bad boy guys when you heard that you rolled your eyes sarcastically and thought;

If you like bad boys, guess you want your entire life bad as how bad they are. And some fan fictions that I am really seing bad boys will always end up breaking you by fucking another girl

"I actually gamer guys. "

You can't fool me! I read fan fictions if you date a gamer he won't have time for you and you'll break your heart!

"I like girls who doesn't get jealous that often. "

You like girls who doesn't get jealous and if she doesn't and if she does exist you'll start questioning her if she really does like you or not cause she's not showing any signs of jealousy.. How stupid!

"I like girls who aren't annoying. "

Girls won't be annoying as long as you don't annoy them first, the fuck is wrong with you?

This was the third reason why you can't have a normal talk with your type.

You were too choosy,  you judge people easily in your mind but at the same time, you don't wanna hurt others' feelings by telling the truth.

Sometimes you also think of how unfair the world is.

You were the type of person who'd accept any terrible food just to avoid hurting their feelings..

But some people just hurt your feelings as if it wasn't a big deal and it was honestly pissing the hell out of you.

You sighed deeply, finally arriving at your school's gate and walked out holding your handbag as you were about to plug your earphones in your ears, you felt a strong firm on your arms pulling you back.

"Watch where you're going, dammit. " Your eyes widened a bit to hear the oddly familiar voice, you whipped your head to see a guy with crimson eyes,  white hair his rear hair was covering his forehead,  the moment he let go of your arm his hand  shoved inside his pockets to take his phone while you notice his other hand was holding a cigarette.

Who the fuck is this guy?  And why is his voice familiar?!

You raised an eyebrow, not leaving your gaze at him and he couldnt help but notice this,  darting his eyes down his crimson orbs meeting you confused e/c ones.

It All Started With Texting //𝗧𝗥Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora