The Bite-Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

So he went to his mini kitchenette and made tea. He then poured the calming draught into the tea. Remus gently shook Harry to wake him "I got you some tea dear." he said softly. Harry nodded his thanks and drank it slowly, soon he fell right asleep.

"That should make him feel a bit better but we should let him rest now, goodbye Severus," Remus said shooing Snape out. He then sighed and sat down next to Harry gently running fingers through Harry's hair.


Harry slept for two hours in Remus' office. When he woke up he felt somewhat better but not by much. He sighed as he got up 'where's Remus?' He thought as he wandered around.

Soon he wandered out of the office to find his missing boyfriend. Harry felt like he'd been wondering for hours when he found Fred and George Weasley.



Stupid twin talk

"Hey surprised you guys aren't giving me the cold shoulder like dear old Ronald" Harry said acting calm and collected when he had a million and one thought running rampant in his mind.

"C'mooon Harry do you think we're like that, ya know that with just one little letter to mum and you can expect a howler addressed to him tonight at dinner—" one said with a devilish smirk.

"And all it takes is a handshake and a few galleons trading hands," the other said with a similar facial expression. Harry's face contorted into deep thought as he considered this.

"How much are we talking?" He asked returning the twins' famous smirk.

The twins looked at each other. Having a silent conversation before they turned to Harry.

"We'll cut you a deal—"

"Let's say....ten galleons how's that sound Harry?" Fred said extending his hand out. Harry's face lit up in mischief. "Deal." he said shaking Fred's hand.

"Potter what are you doing?" Sounded a dark, rich voice behind them Harry froze.

"Nothing Professor" Harry said Turing around with the most believable innocent look he could muster. But sadly Snape wasn't buying it.

"We're just apologizing for Ron's recent...uh actions" George said smoothly looking Snape in the eyes.

Snape rolled his eyes "uh uh Potter again what are you doing you should be in Lupin's office sleeping" Severus said sounding absolutely stressed.

"Well I woke up and found that Remus wasn't there so I was trying to find him when I ran into the twins" he explained, confidently looking Snape in the eye.

Snape just rolled his eyes. But nevertheless he had to believe it "okay well Lupin is in his office freaking out so let's go" he said turning around and walking off before Harry had a chance to answer.

Harry rolled his eyes, waved goodbye bye to the twins as he followed the snarky professor.

It had only been ten minutes when they reached Lupin's office. Harry was still thinking about it, if the howler was sent today he couldn't soak it in because of the noise. But if he managed to arrange a deal with the twins to send it next week, he could enjoy it all.

But soon he entered Lupin's office and was immediately bombarded with questions from Lupin "Love where were you? I was worried sick about you." Harry nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

"I didn't mean to worry you but I woke up and you weren't there so I got up and was gonna head back to my dorm, I just forgot to write a note I'm sorry" he said hugging Remus lightly. Remus' face softened "okay just find me next time okay?"

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