Chapter 4- The day after...

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When she arrives to the scene , she spots Jay's truck and she felt relieved somehow ...
He got called , that's why he left ...right ?
She approaches Voight and the others , but Jay is somewhere else ... she can't see him ...
Voight's voice shakes her out of her thoughts , asking her to question some witnesses.
He has a scar on his bottom lip...
Jay did this...she's sure
He punched him...they had a fight ...he didn't tell me ....
When Jay approaches them , he barely looks at her and he barely looks at Voight and in that moment she knows....Jay punched Voight, his boss, because of all this mess!!
This is on me ....this is my fault.... they were good , after all these years they were good and now ....this is my fault...
They all have their own leads to follow , so everyone goes to their car and Jay starts to go to his truck...
He walks fast so she has to run to reach him...
Please wait me ....please ...i am sorry...
I didn't mean to push you to this ...
She reaches him and she's about to tap his arm as she uses to do ..but...She can't !!
H: You left early, i didn't even ear you leave...
J: I just wanted to let you have some sleep...we talked all night ...i just wanted to go to work...
Then he just walks away and Hailey stands there... speachless...
He's hurted....i hurted him...
I ruined this, i ruined him
He ran away...he didn't wanna be with me ...
The realization of how hard this was gonna be from now on just hit her, so hard, in her stomach, in her face...
It's not love if it doesn't hurt... right?
So this must be love ...because It hurts like hell...
They work on the case and they still are partners...but that's all!
Not a word is exchanged between them but for work....
He's cold, distant, but somehow he's still there ....
He let her sleep he cares right ?
He still cares about her ...maybe....maybe not
It's Jay ....he loves her ...he cares..maybe ...
She doesn't know what to do, what to say... she's helpless and he doesn't talk to her
He told her he won't leave but he did somehow and now she's alone again z with the shame of what she did , of keeping this from him ...
We need to talk ...tonight ...i have to fix this mess i made...
I need to explain ...he needs to understand..
I love him ....i wanna be with him...i want us...
The day goes by and they go on with the case and the tension is still there , the silence is still there....
It's past 9 pm when Voight sends them home ...they can go on with this tomorrow
It's your chance...go....tell him ....
Talk to him....
He starts going to the parking lot and she follows him...
H:Hey ...
Don't cry.....breathe ...
J:Hey , you're okay ?
He cares ....he still cares  ..
H: yeah i...yeah ....i was wondering if you wanna eat something ....i can order something....
J: Oh, actually Will texted me ....i am gonna grab a drink with him at Molly's....
But you should eat something....yeah order something and i can eat when i'll be back ....okay ?
H: oh....okay ...yeah okay you later then ?
Say yes ...please
J: Yeah ... sure....
He gets into the truck and goes away and Hailey feels so alone in that moment.
She goes to her car and goes straight home, their home ...Is it still their home?
He said he's gonna be home he's gonna be ...right ?
I need a shower...
She goes grab a shower ...a long hot shower ...She stays under the shower more then half hour and when she steps out the house is still silent and she feels that pain again ...
She checks her phone calls, no texts...
She's not jealous, she's not that kind of girl and more important Jay is not that kind of man...he's a good man!!
He's with Will... they're having some time chill....he's gonna be home soon...
I need to lay down ...i need to sleep...
She goes to the bed and lay down ....
Her eyes starts to feel heavy....
He's gonna be home soon....
He's gonna be in bed soon to me...
Here ...with me... rigth?
Right ...he cares ...he cares ...
She fells asleep and she's still sound alseep when Jay gets back home ....
He steps into the house, their house and he sees the darkness and feels the silence...
He goes to their bedroom and sees her sleeping ....
I love you....i am here ...sleep baby...
I love you....but ....i....i can't ...
I am too hurted right now ....
When she opens her eyes the next morning at 6 am , her phone is buzzing...
She reaches for it...they got a case...
She turns to tell Jay but ....Jay is not there ....and he's not on the couch ....he's gone ... again..
He didn't come home last night ....
He...i....i ruined all this ...
He's gone....i lost him....he doesn't want me anymore ....
As the day before she gets dressed and gets in the car to go to the scene ...
A new day started...
A new painful day started ....

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