Tsuka tensed. Something was wrong.

Dropping Haruka down from her lap, she pressed her ear against the wall, trying to discern the sounds coming from the other room.

She heard a man screaming.

Tsuka's eyes widened, but as much as she wanted to rip her ear away from the wall, she couldn't. She had to listen to what was happening outside.

"Listen here, listen here." a voice said. It wasn't one of the guards. It was too deep. "You better listen every damn word I say, buddy, or else I'm gonna shove some wisteria down your throat."

Another voice -the guard's voice- whimpered in compliance.

"Now, you go out there and you run." the mysterious voice continued. "You run like hell. You run all the way to your little king and tell him that he's going to die tonight. You got that?"

The guard remained silent, as if he wasn't sure if he could make that decision, or if he was too scared to. Tsuka dug her fingernails against the wall, tense.

"ANSWER ME!" the voice bellowed, causing Tsuka to stumble back from how loud it was. A grunt, followed by the grotesque tearing of meat and bones, followed by an ear-splitting scream.

Make it stop...  Tsuka thought, holding her hands to her ears. She could still hear the screams. Oh kami, please make it stop... 

Muzan... Muzan, come back for us...

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!" the demon yelled in submission. She could hear the demon's wound reforming, the moist and soft sounds of muscle tightening and reclining. "I'll do what you say!"

"Better skedaddle, junior." the deep voice growled. She heard more thumping and grunting, then a terrible crash as wood snapped. Then a desperate voice, stumbling away in the night. The guard had ran away.

She looked back at Haruka. The little girl was pressing her fists forcefully against the sides of her head, trying to block the sounds away. Her face was red, stained with tears. Tsuka crawled over to her and took her in an embrace.

They were alone. Trapped in a warehouse with a crazy man. Tsuka had read enough Edgar Allan Poe to know...

That was never a good thing.

. . .

Giyuu turned back to the wooden crates in the room. He had sent the demon guard to go and catch Muzan's attention. This was probably the only time he would want that to happen.

Maybe I should have brought Inosuke along.  Giyuu joked to himself, but that only made him remember memories that he would rather keep locked away forever. He quickly shook himself out of the trance.

He poked his nose in the wooden crates, looking for what he needed. In the crates lay rifles, pistols, certain blueprints and maps, caches, the list of materials was just endless. However, as Giyuu strolled on over to another row of crates, he noticed one crate in particular. One with a red tube sticking out of it.

Giyuu walked towards it, checking it's contents. To his pleasant surprise, there lay a large quantity of dynamite. However, his happiness was quickly replaced with disappointment as he realized that there weren't as many dynamite sticks as he had hoped.

I'm gonna need to spread them across the warehouse.  Giyuu thought, quickly gathering a handful of them.

He spent the next crucial moments taking dynamite sticks and placing them in favorable locations. A couple sticks on the doorframe, a few dozen on a pillar, many of them scattered across the outside. He planned to make the construction collapse unto itself, and hopefully get set on fire just in time for Muzan to see.

Tsunami of Dead Tears: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now