While Kularo installed new weapons into the androids, Rikard sat by himself thinking about the mission. Gelana had never quite sat and communicated with Rikard since she showed him Jola and wanted to see if he was okay.
She sat down beside Rikard, watched her sit beside him and then looked away from her. Gelana knew that there was something wrong and asked him if she could communicate with him alone for a second. Rikard, who wasn't even looking in her direction, allowed it. Keto knew that Rikard wasn't in much of a mood to communicate with her and felt the tension coming from the two. But since Kularo was installing his new blasters, Keto had to stay right where he sat. And his sitting position was next to Rikard. Definitely not something he wanted at the moment. Across from him was Salada who was still in the midst of fixing Bendolan. They saw what was going on with Rikard, Gelana, and Keto and simply teased Keto for being stuck next to the two. Keto was infuriated over the fact that two other androids made fun of him for his predicament.

Gelana noticed that Rikard carried a lot of tension on his shoulders and apologized for making something that turned out to be such a burden for everyone. She had no idea that Jola could do so much in so little time. Rikard told her that the creature he witnessed in the lab and what he fought were two different things. When he searched the mind of the creature, he found no signs of violence. But the moment the two went into battle, there was something else in his mind. Something more dangerous. The creature was afraid of dying.
Rikard connected his head with Gelana's head and told her that what she created wasn't necessary to Clatone, but he could have been of some service to Clatone. Maybe not in the Science Division, but definitely for the Military. His power could help them win so many battles. Clatone would truly be unstoppable. Plus Jola had an excellent mind. The words he spoke showed signs of high intelligence. Rikard knew that once Jola was killed, Gelana would be held responsible for the damages he caused. Her hands were all over this and unfortunately her immediate shutdown would likely be the result of creating Jola. Gelana also knew this but had no regrets when creating Jola. She felt proud of what she did and would do it again if she could.

With Kularo installing stronger blasters into each android and Bendolan setting Bafama up with his new invisibility mode, the plan was ready.
Anjoga turned to the crew and saw that the time had come. She asked Bendolan how he felt and his only thoughts were attack. Anjoga took this as a good sign and asked if he could come help her pilot the shuttle to the creature's location. Bendolan sat beside her and before he set the engines for hyper, Anjoga got the exact coordinates of Jola's current spot. With this knowledge, she sent all this information to Bendolan. Bendolan knew where to send them and they took off for Jola, ready for combat.

The androids found Jola flying the shuttle over a forest planet called Curvano. As Anjoga was ready to enact the plan, the blaster cannons on the shuttle Jola piloted faced them. Anjoga was confused by how it was able to catch on to them and ordered Bendolan to evade the attacks.
Bendolan began dodging the incoming blaster bolts flying at them. At this point, the best plan of action was to destroy the shuttle Jola was in. Anjoga jumped onto the blaster cannons of the shuttle and began controlling them. As she aimed the cannons at the shuttle, a bolt flew through the system controls. The shuttle now began to shut down and get sucked into the atmosphere of Curvano.
Anjoga ordered the androids to abandon the shuttle. Bendolan was the first to head to the emergency exit door and opened it. The androids all flew out of the shuttle and began flying at the shuttle Jola piloted.
As the androids raced toward him, the blaster cannons aimed down at them and began firing bolts at them. Kularo was shot through the chest by a bolt. Before his system began to shut down, he fired a single bolt through the glass window of the shuttle. As Kularo made this last shot, so did Jola. After breaking the glass protecting Jola from the outside, a single blaster bolt destroyed Kularo's head. His body floated past each of the androids and was caught by Anjoga who felt sorry for the loss of an android.
Hateful things began to flow through Anjoga's system. She dropped Kularo's body and flew past every android flying toward Jola.
Anjoga used one hand to break through the shuttle, grab Jola by his throat, and choke him.
Jola couldn't believe the strength Anjoga had, but soon he realized that he was stronger than her. He grabbed her arm and began to pry it from his throat. Now Anjoga was the one in disbelief. She used her other hand to grab Jola's arm and swung him down toward the planet.
The androids moved out of the way as Jola flew past them. Anjoga ordered them to follow it. Each of the androids agreed as they rushed down toward where Jola landed.

Jola crashed down through the trees of Curvano and hit the surface. As he began to stand up and recover, Bendolan rushed down and punched Jola's head into the ground. Jola slapped Bendolan away from him and prepared for a fight. Anjoga used this moment and flew behind Jola. With her own feet, she pushed Jola forward. Jola then flew right into the hands of Bafama who began to suck the power from the creature.
Soon, all the strength began to fade from Jola. Jola was stuck. But that's when Bafama was blasted in the back.
Everyone turned to see Rikard aiming his transformed blaster hand forward. Gelana, herself, was confused by this turn of events. Rikard turned to her and apologized. He then sent his memories to her and that's when she saw everything. The reason Jola woke up and went on a rampage was because Rikard was ordered to do this by the Creator. There were two different plans. With Deda going in to kill Jola, the Creator wanted everyone to see Jola and blame Gelana for her crime against the planet. The Creator ordered Rikard to tell Jola that he was going to be killed. This would ignite a fire within Jola to break free and want to survive. Rikard showed Jola how to get off the planet and the rest was all on Jola.
Gelana couldn't believe this. She almost felt betrayed by Rikard. But when she realized he was only showing her this because he now believed in Gelana's dream, she felt sorry for him. The two continued to look into each other's eyes before Bendolan asked Rikard why he was helping Jola.
Rikard then looked to Bendolan and told him that the Creator is wrong. Jola is not a threat to the planet. Jola could actually bring a good balance to a planet filled with androids. Salada approached him and told him that he saw everything Jola was able to do. If something like that was actually good, why would it bring so much destruction to the planet? Deda understood what was going on and told everyone that Rikard caused Jola to do all of this. No one wanted to believe it but Deda knew just by looking at Rikard that was the case. Gelana stepped forward and told everyone it's true. The Creator ordered Deda to kill Jola just because Jola is different. Bafama then stepped forward and told Gelana that even if the Creator is prejudiced against Jola, orders are orders. If they step out of line too far, they'll be shut down. So yes, the Creator is a fool. But the  Creator is a fool with the power to shut them all down and start again. It has to end with Jola dying.  No other way.
Bafama turned to Jola and as he began to continue stealing the power from Jola, Rikard grabbed his arm and warned him. Bafama smirked at Rikard and saw that there was no other way for Rikard as well. He wanted Jola to live. Salada was the first to attack Rikard.
Rikard was quick to blast Salada's head off. He then aimed his blaster at Bafama and told him he's not afraid to do the same thing to him. Anjoga and Bendolan then aimed their blasters at Rikard. They told him that they're also not afraid to do the same thing to him. Rikard knew he was out of his depths. He couldn't take them all on. He sent a direct signal to Gelana. Rikard told her to get Jola out of here. He was going to stay back and give her some time.
Gelana understood this and rushed over to Jola. She got him off the ground and began to fly him off the planet.
Anjoga was the first to try and stop her. Rikard grabbed her by the leg and slammed her body into the ground. Bendolan tackled Rikard to the ground and pinned him down. He looked up at Bafama and told him to start stealing Rikard's power.
Rikard pushed Bendolan off him and blasted Bafama in the chest. Rikard looked up into the sky and watched Gelana and Jola disappear from his sights.

Gelana and Jola were now in the depths of space. She told Jola how sorry she was that this all happened to him and wished for him to make a better world in another universe. Jola didn't understand what this meant until he noticed a small bright light ahead of them slowly growing bigger.
A vortex opened up and Gelana let Jola fly through the vortex. Jola turned and watched Gelana float away from him as he disappeared through the vortex. Jola wished that she could come with him, but Gelana knew that there is no universe where she can hide from the Creator. It was sad knowing that he was going to be alone, but she knew he could handle himself. The vortex closed and Gelana floated alone in space, feeling terrible for what she did.

Rikard knew that Gelana had set Jola free. He felt sorry for her loss and knew that his time of being online was coming to an end. His systems were completely terminated and his body hit the ground. Unable to be moved ever again.

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