Chapter 11

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As I stood in the crowd at Roselia's concert, I couldn't help but focus on my beautiful girlfriend. It's been a year since me and Yukina found a place together, and after the initial difficulties of getting used to the daily habits of each other, I can't help but feel like our relationship has gotten all the stronger. We both work towards our goals, supporting each other even more now that we live together. Having her beside me brings me more confidence and motivation than any point in my life, and I hope that I can do the same for her. I love her and want to be beside her, and for that reason I want to propose to her tonight.

Once the concert ended, I headed to the lobby to wait for her. As I sat and looked out at the crowds exiting the building, I heard somebody behind me say "Hey Y/n. I take it you came to cheer on Yukina?"

I looked back and nodded "Hey Marina, that's right. After all, why wouldn't I come to support the awesome girlfriend who supports me?"

Marina smiled and said "I'm glad to see you two so close. When you would come to meet up with her back when you were in high school, you both seemed like you wanted to tell each other how you felt, and I was always wondering why you never did."

I shrugged "We just never got the chance. Before I got the chance to tell her in person I had to leave. But hey, I got to tell her how I felt in person eventually, so it all worked out in the end."

"That's true Y/n. Now since it seems like Yukina and Lisa have seen us, I'll get out of the way." Marina said

"Alright, good talking to you." I said as she walked away. I then got up to meet up with the two of them. "You girls were amazing as always." I said

"Thanks Y/n." Yukina said

"So do you girls have anything planned after this?" I asked

"Nope. We'll probably be getting something to eat after our next practice, but the others are busy tonight." Lisa said. Truth be told, besides Sayo who is actually busy tonight, I've told Lisa about my plans, and they agreed to help set up a good opportunity to propose tonight.

"I see." I responded

"Lisa, do you want to go part way home with us?" Yukina asked

"I would but I actually have something I want to take care of right now. But I'll talk to you tomorrow, alright?" Lisa said

"Alright. Then if there's nothing holding us here, shall we head back Y/n?" Yukina said

"Sounds perfect." I said

The two of us left the building, and as we walked far enough down the street so that we're alone, Yukina asked "What's exactly going on?"

I let out a small chuckle and said "I figured you'd pick up on something being up."

"So what is it?" Yukina asked

"I'll tell you in a minute, but before that, I want to reach a specific place." I said

I guided her on a path that's a bit of a detour from the train station, the night sky overhead illuminating Yukina. Eventually we got to my destination, an empty clearing in the nearby park where the light makes things pretty clear even at night.

I let go of Yukina's hand and with a confident smile growing on my face, I took a deep breath.

"Yukina, everyday since I met you, seeing you on stage singing has been something so captivating and inspiring. At first I just thought you were amazing on stage, but I quickly found out that you're just as amazing a person elsewhere. You've become my greatest inspiration in the world and I don't think I can imagine my life without you in it." I said as I pulled a small velvet box from my jacket pocket. I got on one knee as I opened it in front of her and said "Yukina Minato, will you marry me?"

As Yukina heard what I said, I saw her eyes widen slightly, and with a smile forming on her face, she said "I'll happily marry you Y/n."

She held her hand out to me, which I slipped the engagement ring onto, and I took her hands into mine and held her close. "I love you Yukina, and I promise that I'll make you happy."

"You already do." Yukina said

Filled with joy and love for each other, we shared a kiss. This beautiful woman has been so dear to my heart for so long, and I hope to stay like that for the rest of our lives. We shared this moment under the stars for a while longer before we ultimately decided to head home for the evening, our bond all the stronger.


A/n: At long last I've returned! I'm sorry it took so long to get this out, but life kinda happened and the past two months have been a struggle where I've desperately tried to bring myself back to my normal schedule. Still, I find this book pretty fun to write and I'm glad to be back. You can expect the finale of this book the same time next week so I hope you'll stick around for then

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