Tuesday - Beg For Me

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You seemed to remember yesterday in a blur. Part of your consciousness wanted to believe it was just a wet dream; however, if that was the case, how would that explain you waking up naked on top of a nude Dabi, who's rod was still deep inside of you.

You slowly got up and stood over him. You grabbed a blanket and slowly covered him up. You don't know why you even cared to do so, but you did it anyway. You sighed and shook your head as you went to go find some clothes to put on.

As you walked, you were thankful Dabi wasn't cruel enough to make you wear a maid dress or something stupid like that. You put your hair in a ponytail and realized that you were bored. Shigaraki had told you all to lay low for a while, so that meant no going out on a spree. So, while getting dressed, you pondered what you could do to relieve your boredom.

Though you hated that you were his slave, you decided to try to just live through this. You sighed as you went to cook him something in the small makeshift kitchen in this small, underground area you all were forced to stay at. You had stolen some groceries right before Shigaraki made the order to lay low, so you had enough to do something with. You fired up the generator that you, Toga, and Twice had stolen together a while back and turned on the stove. You began to smile as you cooked. It was something you enjoyed doing, but you didn't do it often.

You fried some eggs and bacon. The smell seemed to travel and it was quite pleasant; especially compared to the usual odor of the place, not that any of you truly minded it though.

When you finally finished, you plated the food, one for you, another for Dabi. You were going to take some to him, but you realized that you were starving.

"He's probably still sleeping. He won't care." You said aloud as you started eating. You smiled at the taste, proud of your own cooking.

"What is this?" You heard a deep, groggy voice say. "Eating before me?"

"You were asleep, I was hungry. Your plate is right here anyway.' You responded to Dabi, rolling your eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Dabi shook his head. "That isn't a part of this agreement. If I remember correctly, you were the one who said that the slave has to prepare food for the master and can't eat before their master. What happened to that?"

"Like I said, you were sleeping. What, are you going to bitch and moan at me for eating when I'm hungry? You got another thing coming. I'm going to eat when the fuck I want to eat." You said, taking a bite of your bacon.

You suddenly felt intense heat right next to you. With wide eyes, out of your peripheral vision, you saw nothing but blue. You froze in place.

"You're not holding up your end of the deal. Right now, I'm liable to kill you according to our rules." He said, reminding you of the regulations you put in place for this bet.

You sighed heavily and rolled your eyes as you saw him walking closer to you. "Okay?" You said, placing your food on the counter behind you. You knew he would kill you on the spot if he really wanted to. The fact that he hadn't yet and only mentioned it let you know that you hadn't annoyed him to the point of your demise at this point. You were greatly enjoying being a brat until the next moment.

"What was that?" He said, a brow raised as you felt his hot fingers on your neck, pressure slowly increasing on your throat.

You knew better than to say another word. Every will you had to try and be a brat to Dabi went completely out the window from the tone in his voice and the feeling of your airways getting less and less oxygen through them by the second. You could tell by the slight growl in his words he wasn't playing with you today. Who would've thought something as simple as food would have gotten this kind of reaction. You simply shook your head, which earned you a hard loud slap to the ass. This made you yelp and nearly fall to your knees.

Slave For A Week: A Dabi x NB Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now