Story 5: Drunk dork

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*No one's POV*

It was around eleven pm in Possom Springs. In a shabby apartment, Angus sat at the sofa in the living room waiting anxiously. His attention turned to the door when he heard a knock, he got up and opened the door to see some older looking guy with none other than Gregg. Gregg was hunched over barely standing on his own, laughing to himself not even himself knowing why. The man holding Gregg was their neighbor. "Hey, so I was at the bar earlier when I noticed your boyfriend was there too. Long story short he's pretty drunk." The man explained handing Gregg over to Angus. Angus thanked the man and shut the door, sitting down with Gregg on the couch. "Oh Gregg I was worried sick about you! Are you alright dear..?" Angus asked calmly. Gregg gasped, his breath reaked of alcohol, and smiled flopping his head on angus's shoulder just by hearing his lover's deep, low, and rich voice. "A-angyyy!!! I- *hic* missed you babbbbyyyyy~" Gregg said hugging Angus. Angus smiled patting gregg's head happy to see that his lover was ok. "Ohhhh hahaha!!! I got s- *hic* some stories to tell youuu~" Gregg said as he got up and stumbled to their room. Curious, Angus fallowed. Once they where both in bed, Gregg started to tell Angus what had happened at the bar.

"S- *hic* so..I was sittin' there, mindin my damn business! When, wait do you know Steve?" Gregg asked getting sidetracked. Angus nodded, he knew Steve only because he would make fun of him for being gay in highschool. "Ok ok ok well, Steve was there and he was all like, 'You still dating that ugly fat guy?' And I was SOOOO angry, I wanted to punch him so much!because yoooouuuuu~ are the most handsome*hic* man in dah woorld~" Gregg said putting his head down on angus's chest. Angus smiled slightly to know that he would stand up for him. Angus gave Gregg a kiss on the cheek. "Well I'm glad you didn't get into Any bar fights.." Angus said but Gregg inturuppted, "I go SO mad that I told him we could take it outside and we did! *Hic* so I too-ook a bottle and SMASHED it over his head!" Gregg said laughing, Angus sighed. "Just as I said that- well anyway I'm glad your ok, you need to get some rest Gregg." Angus said kissing his forehead. Gregg nodded and laid down and they both fell asleep.

Book Of Nitw stories *Mostly Gregg X Angus*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя