chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was a little boy ns.ed Harry he was only 15 he met this boy named louis he was only 16 he lived across from harry Louis lived with his dad his dad worked in a office harry lived with his mother she worked at a daycare center harry was the good boy Louis was the bad boy but there was something in Lou that harry liked he never talked to him every time he tried to he just couldn't he'd just go and walk away and Lou never asked harry to come over until Harry's mother called Louis dad and they came over at that time it was Harry's birthday at that time so harry is turning 16 same age Lou is Lou invited harry in his bedroom they talked to each other and out of the blue harry says "I love you Lou " and Lou was shocked that harry said that he almost passed out Lou said " wow nobody ever said that to me " and harry said "sorry I just had to get that out I'm was so much in love with you will you kiss me" and Lou said "sure why wouldn't" they kissed a little while but Louis dad knocked on the door and called their names to sing happy birthday to harry. TheEnd

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