Meeting them again

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Harry kissed Ginny,Teddy,and James and baby Al has he left for his new job as head Aourar when he got there he saw Ron panicking.

"Hey Ron what's happening."

"Come see for yourself."

Has they went to their office Harry saw a lot of people that were suppose to be dead. Such as Tonks,Remus,Fred,Sirius,and...James and Lily Potter!

"What the heck is going on Ron." Harry hissed.

"I don't know it seems that all the people who died at the hands of Voldermort came back. I have checked them all they are real."said Ron

Then shock came over Harry as he ran and hugged Sirius.

"Wow Harry." as Sirius said while looking at Harry for the first time in 6 years.

Then he went over to Remus and Tonks and told them about Teddy

"Aww he sounds wonderful .Thank you for taking care of him all these years."said Tonks

Then a man that look just like Harry came up and said "I can't believe you have a kid Remus. "

"Dad."Harry said as realized his DIED parents were alive.

He ran and hugged them

"Oh Harry I can't believe we missed your childhood."said Lily Potter

"I know but at least you will be there for your grandchildren."Harry said.

Sirius gasped"You have children. So who's the lucky lady"

"I have 2 children James Sirius Potter and Albus Severus Potter and I think you would know her."Harry chuckled

"Wait Severus as in Snape." asked Sirius

"Yea it is a little confusing." mutter Harry

"Hey Fred did Ron tell you he finally married Hermione."Harry

"WHAT??!!?!"He yelled.

"Yea I also have 1 child,Rose."Said Ron.

"I am a uncle."Fred said in disbelief.

"Well we all have children.Except Charlie he says he's still married to his job." Ron said in a matter of fact tone

"Really who married George?"

"Angelina."Ron said smiling

"Let's go tell everyone about the news" Harry said

Harry Potter and Supposed deadWhere stories live. Discover now