Getting a final job in France and also a new best friend.

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At last Aurélia finally convinced Mei to call the police and the two plead him to the point, where he had to give up.
Whilst he wouldn't be able to find the culprits, he was able to find Mei's stuff and block her card, ID and passport and also helped her getting a new ones. 

Once she got them, Aurélia helped her buy a new phone. The question was, how to get all her contacts back. Luckily she had an app called LINE, where she could write to her acquaintances in the meantime.

The two girls followed each other to the bakery, where they departed.
Mei decided, that she wanted to buy Aurélia a present and give it to her, the next time they saw each other, which would be soon as Mei would most likely buy their pastries again.

Next time she was at the bakery, a costumer was screaming at Aurélia. Mei felt bad for and wondered if she struggles like that by herself, working there as the cashier every time? She asked Aurélia if she could work there with her. Like that Aurélia wouldn't work alone, it would be a payment for Aurélia's help and Mei could practice some French and earn her own money.

Soon, the two became close friends and Mei really enjoyed working with her. Mei told her about her life in Setagaya, Japan, about how she worked as a piano teacher and promised that she would sing and play for Aurélia one day. Of course she didn't tell about her tragic backstory, but simply told that her parents' got a divorce and that's why her mother lives in France.
Aurélia told her, that her family had owned their bakery since 1965. She also told her, that the reason why her English was fluent, was due to the fact, that her family moved to the United States when she was in junior high school. This resulted in her being mocked by her classmates in high school.

Mei would now come here every day the entire week and would spend as much time with her as possible. Aurélia would show Mei her favorite spots, which ranged from secondhand shops to fancy restaurants. She would also motivate Mei to speak French, by communicating with her in French and have Mei try to communicate back.

This of course, upset her mother a bit

"I asked you to come here to spend time with me, not with her"

What now? I'm finally finding my place here and someone that makes me happy and you want to take that away from me? We do see each other, isn't that enough, Mei thought. However, decides not to start a fight and instead says:

"We actually planned, that you and her family meet each other. We want to get closer friends as this could be a good thing for both of us"

"My sweet Mei....Did I mention that I brought two tickets so I could show you, my absolute favorite spot in all of France?"

Mei gave her mother a surprised look. Did she actually want to spend a whole day with her, at her favorite spot? Her mother was being nice for once?

"You and I are spending Saturday at Versailles"

Mei and the Sun KingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ