•ೋ°Best Friends°ೋ•

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Ship(s): Hitto Kakucho x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: fluff


"I promise that when we grow up, I will marry you Takemichi!"

A bright and cheerful voice is heard from the playground declaring his love to his bestfriend and also proposing a marraige between them that really shocked the other one.

"Yeah! You should keep your promise Kaku-chan!"

"I vow to Hanagaki Takemichi that I will give him the best life and to never hurt him." Kakucho said facing the love of his life in front of the altar where many people they invited are watching. "Ever since we are kids, I have love you until now and I want to keep my promise to you that I will marry you when we grow up and now that is being fulfilled, I promise that I will love you until the end my love Takemichi."

A tear were shed from Takemichi as he keep himself from crying, oh how he wished this day would come. He was once thought that he will never see his love again after what happened twelve years ago when Kakucho almost died because of him.

Takemichi really thought that the promises, the vows they made when they were young would be broken and shattered when Kakucho was shot near the heart, still luckily he survive and here they are now making their promises true.

"To my beloved Kakucho, I know that our promises were just our dellusions when we were young but until now I still keep those promises in my heart, I was once have lost hope of being with you after that incident twelve years ago but it seems that God wants us to be together and gave you a chance to have life again, I am greatful for that and I promise that I will cherish and love you until the end." Takemichi surprisingly didn't stutter with his speech with all those sniff and sobs he is producing because of crying.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Two lips are attached to each other, as the people made their vows to live with each other through sickness or in health, to richness or to poor, til death will they apart.

"I love you my once bestfriend now my husband."

Next chapter Injury/ fluff/ Souya x Takemichi

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Next chapter Injury/ fluff/ Souya x Takemichi

Tokyo Revengers Presents: Takemichi HaremOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora