Fourteen || Biscuits

Start from the beginning

I raised my head to see him standing directly behind us. Speak of the devil, I thought. He had his hands crossed over his chest with his slit eyebrows raised in suspiscion, a ghost of a smirk laying on his lips.

"Takashi!" I squealed, getting up to hug him. Emma, Hinata, and I were so focused on our conversation we didn't even notice the Twin Dragons and Mikey had come back to the Sano household.

Draken and Mikey followed in to the room, with the taller greeting us as Mikey just helped himself to the plate of biscuits on the table.

"Where did you guys just come from?" The brunette next to me asked the guys innocently.

"Went for a ride. Ended up meeting with some of the others too." Mikey muffled as he devoured the last of our snacks, earning a forehead flick from Draken who told him it was rude to speak with his mouth full. The shorter male struggled to swallow the baking ad he called for his sister to make him a drink before he choked to death, "Emmaaaa, I want hot chocolate!"

She was about to stand up but Mitsuya kindly insisted she stayed and told her that he'd make it instead.

When the lilac-haired boy had left, Emma turned to the other two and asked, "So who else was there?"

"Oh, you know. Just Peh-Yan and Chifuyu. Hakkai was there too. We were talking about the whole Tenjiku situation." Mikey's eyes darkened with an undescribable emotion before he quickly glanced at my face, observing the bandages and plasters which were littered over my bruised cheeks and forehead.

I was about to ask what was going to happen until the girl interrupted to completely disregard the other topic, "What about Chifuyu? How was he doing?" She smirked, giving me a smug side-eye as I could only glare at her while my embarrassment grew.

Her brother seemed suprised she asked such a thing. "Huh, Chifuyu? He was fine... why, you like him or something?" At Mikey's last sentence, Draken's eyebrows furrowed harshly as his expression controrted into a face that could kill.

Hinata butted in, "No. But (Y/N) does."

Not expecting the timid girl to be so blunt and sudden, I practically jolted where I sat. "Hina! What the hell!?" Said girl only laughed lightly at my reaction.

Mikey stared at me with raised eyebrows but still didn't seem too bothered by the fact. Instead, Draken leaned over and answered, "You and Chifuyu? When'd that happen?"

It wasn't like anybody other than Takemichi, Angry, Smiley or the girls knew about the whole fight I had with Chifuyu, or even the fact he and I spent any time with each other at all for that matter, so it was understandable that nobody else would know that we had become close friends to begin with.

Shrugging, I leaned back on the carpet floor. "We just sorta became friends, I guess. But I'm not in love with him."

Mitsuya came back shortly after by the time we had changed to a different topic and handed Mikey his drink, aswell as a coffee he made for Draken. As he was offerring to make something for Hinata and Emma, I took a quick glance at my phone to see my grandmother had texted me, telling me to come home for dinner.

The other five were chatting about something before I got the slit-eyebrowed boy's attention. "Oi, Mitsuya, obachan wants me home. Can you drive me?" I asked with pleading eyes, knowing full well he wouldn't decline anyways seeing as I took the bus to Emma's house that morning since my bike was at the mechanics.

He agreed with a sigh and took his keys from the table. "We'll be off then," He said to the group of friends.

"Bye, (Y/N), Mitsuya!" We bidded our goodbyes to them in return before leaving through the sliding doors and heading for the driveway.

I sat behind him on the bike, bringing my arms to hug his waist loosely as he started it up before slowly driving out of the residence. The only sound in the quiet neighbourhood was the birds singing their afternoon tunes.

Or it was until Mitsuya piped up. "(Y/N), are you in love with Chifuyu?"

The sudden confrontation had me all worked up again. Did he happen to hear what we were talking about when he was in the kitchen making drinks? "What are you talking about?" I chuckled nervously.

"When I saw him hanging out with Peh-Yan today, he was wearing the same jeans I helped you make last year." He replied cooly. That made sense. Part of me was suprised that Chifuyu wore my gift, and the other part was even more suprised at Mitsuya for coming to that conclusion.

I pressed my cheek against his back as he drove down the main road. "It was a gift a while ago. He liked it so I let him have it... does it bother you?" I was really hoping I hadn't offended him by giving the pair we made together to somebody else.

The boy just laughed lightly in response. "Not at all." Well that was a relief. "But you mean as much to me as Mana and Luna do, you know? And as their big brother, I wish for both of them to find someone good in the future. The same thing applies to you; I want you to find someone good for you. And I think Chifuyu is good. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Even though I couldn't see his face, I could hear the gentle smile in his voice. Although, it didn't help me to understand what he was hinting at.

"Not at all." He laughed at my reply, as if expecting me to say that. But I followed up quickly, "I don't have feelings for Chifuyu, if that's what you're getting at! He's just my friend."

"Sure, sure." Mitsuya said as he slowed down while pulling closer to my apartment complex.

I got off the bike when he parked, taking off the helmet, until we saw our grandma open the window of my flood and yell, "(Y/N), you brought Takashi! Both of you come in, eat with us, Takashi!"

The boy just smiled at the sight of the old woman in the window and joined me in taking off his helmet and hopping off the bike. We walked together towards the door.

"Sure thing, obachan."

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