Twelve || Juice Carton

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-Art by Ysman on Twitter-

The trees rustled quietly under the night wind. I tiredly rubbed the back of my neck as I waited for the vending machine to disperse the carton of apple juice. When the small box fell through the machine, I picked it up, took my change, and trudged to a nearby bench.

Still in my Toman uniform, I sat on the lonely memorial bench at the pleasure ground. Since the hill I was on was pretty high, there was a railing in front of the bench and beyond it was the city of Tokyo. It was a beautiful sight. The golden lights from the street lamps and building windows illuminated the dark town. The small dots of light throughout the view looked almost like fireflies.

Poking a hole in the carton with a straw, I took a long sip while thinking back to the emergency meeting our gang had just a little while ago. It turned out neither I nor the first division were the only victims of Tenjiku all those days ago; all of Toman was attacked. Mochi aiming for the first division, the Haitani brothers went for Mitsuya, Madarame at me, and their remaining captains attacking some other members. I sighed, remembering Mikey announcing that we'd be at war with Tenjiku soon.

With the thought of Tenjiku, my mind drifted to Chifuyu. I hadn't spoken to him in days. Not since we fought like that. To say I was still mad about it was an overstatement- frankly, I didn't know how to feel. Emma told me I had the right to be mad because he was treating me unfairly, while Hina just insisted he was only worried and looking out for me. I had an odd instinct that both of them were in the right whilst simultaneously being wrong about the kind of person he was. But more than anything I was just upset. Upset that our fight lasted this long and that neither of us made the effort to even speak to one another. I had faced far greater problems in my life but nothing really equated to losing a companionship with somebody you had been building for months and months. I didn't understand why I was so impacted by what happened between us. That Chifuyu guy really was a weirdo.

A figure sat next to me just as I was about to take another sip of my juice. I looked to my right to see Takemichi smiling sadly.

"Hello. You look tired." I commented the first thing that came to mind after seeing the boy suddenly pop out of nowhere.

He just sighed in response and stared at the view in front. I also turned my gaze ahead. "That meeting got me thinking; Kisaki's scheming something and I have no idea what." He mumbled.

"Yeah, even I have a hunch he's behind this whole thing. I know you said you wouldn't timeleap until you became Toman's number one but... I think you should."

The blonde bit his bottom lip in deep thought. "Chifuyu said the same thing earlier. I don't want to but I don't have much of a choice."

I felt bad for the boy so I scooted a little closer and put a gentle hand on his shoulder for reassurance. The situation he was in sucked and I could tell how reluctant he was on going back to the future so I wanted to offer a little comfort to him. From one friend to another. Takemichi looked up, his blue eyes heavy with exhaustion.

He sat straight and I took my hand away. "I'm going back to Naoto after this, I had decided that before. I just wanted to tell you about it first." He said, rubbing the bandaid under his left eye. "You still haven't spoken to Chifuyu yet, right?"

I didn't know why he suddenly brought it up, but I shook my head anyways. He probably wanted something else to talk about to get his mind off his own problems for a while, the only thing I could do was go along with it. "Has he said anything to you?"

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