Chapter 15 - Giving Answers

Start from the beginning

He’s not your Louis, the voice in his head mocked him. Not anymore

Harry pulled at his hair frustrated and willed his tears to not escape their ducts. He would not cry in front of strangers.

You left him, murmured the voice. You abandoned him when all he did was love you

“Harry? Harry!” cried his mother, trying to get him to stop ripping out his hair. “Harry, please! Can you hear me, darling?” She was crying. He hated when his mother cried and now he was the reason for her tears.

He could feel himself flailing and two pairs of strong arms holding him down. He cried for his Lou. He cried for the life he left behind when he decided selfishly to abandon his Louis. He should have never abandoned his Louis…

“Ma’am, he shouldn’t be staying here,” said DI Cowell sternly. “He needs to be treated in a proper facility.”

“I – Where?” hiccupped Anne.

“Saint Bernard’s Institution.”

Harry felt his blood run cold.

“I’m not mental!” he screamed, smacking DI Cowell’s hands off of him.

“Of course you’re not, darling,” said Anne, trying to soothe him. She was doing a less than stellar job. “Do you think that’s really necessary?”

“I’m afraid that I do, ma’am. He’s a danger to both you and yourself. We can have him transported there imm –”

“Can I talk to him?”

The heads of the three adults in the room turned to the door but Harry refused to look up even though he recognized the Irish drawl.

“I’m not sure that’s recomm –”

“I’m his best mate,” said the voice. Harry could hear the terseness in Niall’s voice. “I’ll find a way to be by his side one way or another.”

DI Cowell did not look impressed by the statement but after a look from his younger counterpart, stormed out of the room. Anne followed him, followed soon after by DS Higgins.

“We’ll be right outside,” said DS Higgins before closing the door.

Harry heard a side and then felt a dip in the bed. He did not look up from his hands though even when Niall cleared his throat.

“I can’t believe I didn’t immediately realize that it was you that day,” said Niall simply. “Your American accent was pathetic.”

To his own surprise, Harry let out a snort, which then caused Niall to laugh. Before Harry could stop himself, he found himself hugging his best friend and crying hysterically in his arms.

“Shhh, it’s going to be all right, H,” soothed Niall. “You’re safe now, you’re back where you belong.”

Harry shook his head, his curls falling into his damp eyes.

“I m-miss h-him,” Harry wailed.


“H-Him.” He could feel Niall tense.

“Are you talking about the person who took you that day?”

Harry did not respond, but he had no need to. Niall just knew.

“Harry, what did he do to you?” Niall whispered. Harry’s shook his head and didn’t respond. “H, look at me!”

Harry slowly lifted his head and looked into Niall’s cerulean eyes.

Hostage of Your Heart - A Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now