Zemo is flanked by Ayo, Okoye, and Shuri. Shuri and Shannon greet each other with big smiles and rush toward one another.

"Shannon!" Shuri squeals. "When I heard you were coming, I had to make the trip to say hello in person."

"Hi, Shuri!" She laughs, wrapping her in a tight hug. "It really has been too long."

"You look beautiful!"

"Yeah? I feel like G.I. Joe," Shannon laughs. "And you're one to talk about beauty, look at you!"

Shuri shrugs and grins.

"I figured I'd better start at least dressing like a Queen."

Ayo and Okoye smile.

They hug again and Shannon pulls away.

"Once all of this serum crap is over with, I was thinking the three of us—" Sam coughs loudly and points at himself. Shannon chuckles. "My apologies, Cap. The four of us would pay Wakanda a visit and you can meet Sammy in person."

Shuri laughs softly.

"I would love that. We'll make plans when things settle down again." She turns to Sam, her expression suddenly serious. "Do you have the tracking device?"

Sam nods and hands it over. Shuri gives it to Ayo to attach it to Zemo's ankle. It's a small strap with a tiny rectangle on it. Shuri pulls out what looks like a phone and activates it. Zemo's tracking device beeps and he looks down, shrugging. Shannon gives him a small wave while Ayo and Okoye hand him off to Sam. Zemo stands in between him and Shannon, who reaches over and gives his hand a small squeeze. He chuckles.

"Hello, Mrs. Barnes."

Shuri's expression is flat and unreadable as she looks at the three of them.

"You're all aware of the consequences of breaking the rules."

Shannon, Sam, and Zemo nod. Shuri clasps her hands in front of her.

"We'll see you back here in two months."

"Understood," Sam replies. "Thanks again, Shuri."

The three of them turn and walk toward the helicopter. As they board, Zemo turns to Sam.

"Thank you for this," he says softly.

"It was not my idea," Sam informs him. "But you were helpful last time, even if you pulled an El Chapo on us."

"Well, to be truthful, I didn't think that I would get caught." He sighs softly. "That was my youthful arrogance."

They buckle into their seats and Zemo looks around.

"Is James not here?"

Shannon shakes her head.

"He's at home with Sammy."

"Ah, yes. I'm eager to see how much fatherhood has truly changed him."

"More than you know," Sam mumbles. Shannon smiles and nods. A few minutes after takeoff, she reaches over to pull Zemo into a gentle hug.

"It's good to see you," she whispers. "Even under these circumstances."

"You too," Zemo says softly. "Thank you for inviting me into your home."

"Hey, so long as you don't run off, I think it's going to be a pretty good two months," Shannon offers.

Sam rolls his eyes but says nothing while Shannon and Zemo fill the dead air in the cargo hold with conversations about books that they've been exchanging and reading over the past eight years. Despite Bucky and Sam's reservations about the whole Zemo situation, Shannon is hopeful that maybe, just maybe, if this goes well, maybe Zemo could have more escorted absences from the Raft. It's clear from his letters that he's going a little stir crazy. He tries his best to escape the monotony through books and listening to the radio, but he's emphasized the lack of human contact in his letters – and how deeply it depresses him.

The Pretender (Trying Your Luck Sequel) - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now