Part 14: Returns

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"Is there a reason you're on this mission with me?" Sam asks.

"Bucky didn't want to go," Shannon reminds him as she tightens her tactical vest.

Bucky insisted on her wearing tactical gear, which she thought was ridiculous. She's dressed completely in black. Jeans, black turtleneck, vest, and combat boots – and two ankle holsters for knives. Shannon insisted that it was overkill, but Bucky grabbed her by the chin and said, "You can never be sure with Zemo."

And, so, she relented. Whatever Bucky wants, Bucky gets.

"He told me he was finishing Dune," Sam mutters. "Like it's some school project."

Shannon giggles.

"That sounds like my Bucky... you hungry?"

"I could eat."

She pulls out two square bars from her backpack and tosses one to Sam. His eyes go wide.

"Oooh! Are those the infamous protein bars Bucky eats?"

"Yup. I made them for him from scratch because the ones he used to buy tasted like cardboard. He always complained about them, so I made him something he'd actually like."

Sam snickers and bites into his after he unwraps it from the tinfoil and saran wrap.

"Damn, Shan. These are good. You should sell them."

"And run a second business?" She laughs. "I don't think so."

"You could put me on the wrapper," he offers. "I'd want a cut of the profits and to get them for free."

"You already eat at the restaurant for free! And your picture is everywhere!"

"You know Sarah tried to send me my tab for all the food I've eaten there the other day?"

Shannon doubles over laughing.

"Oh, I know."

Torres sticks his head out from the cockpit.

"Lady? Gentleman? We've arrived."

Shannon's eyes go wide with excitement and Sam lets out a resigned sigh. He looks up at her with a confused expression.

"You're really friends with this dude, huh?"

"Yeah," she whispers. "I take chances on people, Sam. Most of the time, I'm pleasantly surprised."

Shannon twists the wedding ring on her left hand. Sam stares at it as it glints beneath the light. He smiles softly.

"All right."

His distaste for Zemo has waned over the years, mostly because he's just too busy to hold a grudge like that. That, and, Zemo hasn't tried to escape.

The helicopter lands and Shannon and Sam disembark. It's still light out, but not for much longer. The sky glows an ominous orange that Shannon finds both beautiful and a little unsettling. It reminds her of the opening scene in Apocalypse Now. She and Bucky just watched it a few weeks ago.

When they step outside, Zemo is waiting for them, still in his prison jumpsuit with a bag of clothes in his hand. Sam described him as having a big, bushy beard – Bucky actually called it a Rasputin beard – but it's absent now. She suspects that the Dora watched him closely as he shaved it down to stubble. His hair is somewhat slicked back, but part of it still falls in his eyes. It's no longer so closely cropped to his head. Apparently, someone only comes around once a year to provide prisoners on the Raft with haircuts. Otherwise, they just have to let it grow and deal with it.

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