Rohan x Kiara [oneshot💖]

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He had been tipsy , yes , but he still felt himself hardening at the mere thought of her pressed against him that night , curling her body into his and moulding it against himself in all the right places. She had shifted constantly , attempting to find the perfect nook to squeeze herself into. The tips of her finger had played with his senses all night , wrapping themselves around his own again and again.

No other woman held so much power over him as she did , and she wasn't even aware of it. It was one of the reasons he had pushed her away so insistently , accusing her of seducing him. He didn't like loosing control over himself , feeling his inside turn to jelly at the sight of her back when she had refused to show her face to him , carefully sliding against the rough , brick tiles as she shielded her face from his probing eyes.

She was suppose to be loosing control at his gaze. He had seen her eyes fit up and down on his uniform body when he walked in , seen her appreciative gaze when he dressed up for ball. But she remained oblivious to the flames that threatened to engulf them , oblivious to the idea of passion.

Whenever he tried to exert control over her , he found himself on the defensive instead , desperately grasping the last string that he had over the coiled situation. She had seduced him , completely had him running behind her like an attached , young puppy , barking after anyone who even dared to look at his master. And the worst part is that she had done all this without eve trying.

Kiara's innocence and overly trusting nature had him automatically assume the role of her protector. He took the standing in front of her whenever they went somewhere , his long fingers wrapped securely around her wrist shielding her from the lustful glances of some cheap men in the market.

They strolled from the Jaipur streets , with him carefully guarding her and snarling at every man who even turned his body towards her. He had attempted to put his eyes from her face , knowing he would be lost if he had , but he couldn't stop himself from the sight of pure wonderment and joy in her eyes , drinking in every part of the chaotic  atmosphere around them.

She had insisted upon stopping at a small , tourist stall , reaching appreciatively towards various trinkets scattered around. He had immediately seen her eyes fall on the black clip , her expressive eyes travelling over every inch of it. 

''How much is it?'' The vendor barely looked up from his position in cool shade of comfy stool ,casually sipping on hot , ginger tea as he watched people flock around. 

''Ek Hazaar [1000 INR]'' His voice was bored and disinterested ignoring the shocking gasp from Kiara.

''Ek Hazaar? In the gaon next to Rampur , I could get this for pennies! You are ripping off all the people here. Don't you feel ashamed?'' The vendor didn't look up , reaching the packet of crispy Parle-G biscuits sitting by his side and lazily dipping it into tea.

''Madam , if you can get it from your gaon , why don't you buy it from there? Why are you troubling me with your lectures? You village girls-'' She had opened her mouth to protest in soft , gentle way only she could , but before she could say anything Rohan had laced his fingers between hers and dragged her away , yelling at her about how they lost the tour group.

He didn't want her to be privy to the insults he was sure to get thrown at her by the man , calling her naive gaon ki chori [naive village girl] who knew nothing about how real world works. 

Later at night , he had slipped out when Gitanjli Madam had whisked her away to dress up , reaching the stall once more. He silently handed over the thousand rupees , ignoring the fact that it was ridiculously overpriced for a good so insignificant. On his way back , he also picked imli [tamarind] as well, knowing it would bring smile on her face and take away the fleeting glimpses of homesickness he had seen in her eyes.

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