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My one of the favourite song.

My one of the favourite song

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Again I tried to make these collage not so perfect but yeah i just started

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Again I tried to make these collage not so perfect but yeah i just started.


Abhimanyu's P.O.V

I entered the room after taking a good shower and changing my clothes and saw my few hours old wife sleeping on the far end of the corner of our bed . I chuckeled she is very innocent I went towards the bed and laid down on bed its a very long time I slept on this bed usually I didn't come home I prefer to sleep in my office or mostly at hotel rooms with Riya when she was my fiance . I looked my left and skooted closer to Mannat carefully not to wake her up. After some time I was able to pull her in my arms seems like she is a deep sleeper she instantly snuggled into me I inhaled in her hairs and the sweet smell instantly calmed me down she smells similar to how my mother use to smell.

I don't know but when I first time saw her coming towards me in that red saree as my bride something happens in my heart . Which never happened before not for anybody .To  keep my position as C.E.O I have to marry otherwise my cousin will become C.E.O that is why I agreed to the first person my chachi introduced to that was Riya and I said because this marrige is just to be C.E.O . But when Mannat is declaired as my wife I know it is going to be more than that . What she was thinking that I was going to be angry with her and that all the crap her stepmother fed boiled my blood . Yes I am very very angry on Riya how dare she elope if she didn't wanted this marriage she should have informed me . No but she have insult me and my family I couldn't even imagine what would have happened if Mannat was not there at that time.

She is such a little baby .so innocent , so pure for her own good. I am glad that she also thinks same as me about our marriage . I for a second panicked from inside when she started crying I thought she was not happy with the marriagr or wrost she have somebody else in her life . The thought alone having somebody else in her heart boiled my blood and my inside churned with bad mood. Now when everything is sorted I am going to make this relationship work.I am going to treat this women the same way my father use to treat my mother, my grandfather used to treat my grandmother and my chacha ji treat my chachi ji as queen my queen.

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