Chapter 11

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Harry's pov

Harry woke up a few hours later to a woman stood in front of him just staring.

' you must be the guy Louis was on about, I'm Eleanorz you must be harry the killer'

'thats yeah that's me harry the killer'

' well harry don't get too comfy because you are not staying, I don't want a murderer in my house, I've heard stories about you, I told Louis not to let you come over, but he still did it anyways'

' I'm-i'm sorry, I'll just uhm leave' harry says getting up off the couch

' I just uhm, need to get my clothes' he says walking towards the bathroom.

He puts his clothes back on, swallowing the lump in his throat, trying not to cry.

Once he has finished getting ready he walks out the door and back to wear he came from, hopeing not to get attacked a long the way.

Louis pov

Louis walks to the living room to see if harry has woken up yet so he can see what he would like to eat.

As he walks in he sees no sign of harry, but he does see Eleanor on the couch and on her phone. ' nothing new there' he thinks to himself.

' hey el, you seen harry'

Eleanor looks up from her phone and looks pissed off

' he's gone home, I told him he couldn't stay, told him I didn't want a killer in my house, Louis I'm so pissed at you, I told you not to invite him over'

' what the fuck el, you can't just kick him out, he's lonely where he livw and he's so friendly, he doesn't have any friends, yes I get it he killed someone but it was in self defense, he told me about his past and what lead him to kill his stepfather and in all honesty I don't blame him, I would of done the same, I was just going to cook him a proper home cooked meal, he hasn't had one of them in 6 years'

' I didn't know that Louis, but he may have told you it was in self defense but was it really, how so you know he isn't just telling you that just to make you feel sorry for him and to get you to his house so he can kill you, killers can take their time with people, they befriend you, make you think that they're a good person and then BAM one day they just kill you. So no Louis I don't want him in this house and I don't want you going to see him anore either, not if you want this relationship to carry on, it's either me or him Louis'

' no Eleanor that's not fair you can't do that, I get what you are saying about the whole killing thing but Harry's not like that, as far as I know he's only ever killed one person, honestly el you should see where he lives and how lonely he is and what people shout and do to him it's awful he I fetched him here because he got raped by someone for something he didn't do, I was trying to be nice and just give him somewhere warm to be sleep and a good meal, but now you sent him away and he's walking home on himself and anything could happen to him, I just want to be his friend, so please for the love of God, don't make me Choose'

Louis says but wanting to get out of the house as quick as possible and to make sure harry made it home safe.

'im going to make sure he got home safe, you can at least let me do that' he says picking up his car keys and getting Cliffords lead.

' if you walk out this house Louis don't bother coming back' he here's Eleanor say

' what difference does it make you're at work all the time anyway so you would never know' he says with an angry tone, walking out the door, slamming it behind him.

He drives to the woods he now knows so well, gets Clifford out of the car and they walk to Harry's house.

When he gets there he knocks on the door twice, the second time the door opens and Harry is stood there with his head down, Louis lets out a relief sigh, that is until harry actually looks up at him.

'what the actual hell, fuck Harry what happened are you alright'

' I'm- it, I don't want to talk about it'

' harry please let me and please tell me what happened'

Harry moves to the side and let's Louis into his house, along with Clifford.

' I uhm, I was beat up on my way home, by some uhm teenagers, they beat me and said awful things to me, I slowly made it home, I uhm can't clean myself up yet as people are uhm at the pond'

Louis is even more angrier than he was before and his list of people to hurt, for hurting harry is just getting longer by the second, he will do time of that means protecting harry.

' I'm sorry harry' about Eleanor, I'm so sorry'

' it's not your fault Louis, you was just being kind, I'm use to all of this, it's one of the reasons I don't leave this land, people are use to seeing me chopping logs or sitting in my garden, but they aren't use to seeing me any further than that and won't allow it because well this happens'

'i fucking hate people and this town, you should of left the country like the police said just so you could have a happy life and none of this'

' I uhm I wanted to stay close to my family just in case and I didn't want to look like a coward or even more guilty by fleaing to somewhere else'

Louis understands perfectly well, he probably would of done the same to be honest, so he can't blame harry.

' I'm going to get them all harry, for ever hurting you, they should know the real truth of why you killed your stepfather, maybe if they knew they would understand and maybe they would stop being so mean to you'

' Louis just please leave it, I'm grateful you think this way, but I just, I just, I'm sacred'

' I know you are harry, I'm going to fix this, please let me fox this for you'

' ok' is all harry says.

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