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Everyone split up to find Chan, but they didn't have any idea where the other could've gone.

Jeonghan and the others heard yelling coming from another direction.

"Hey isn't that Chan's voice?." Mingyu says.

They followed where the sound was coming from to only see Chan yelling at the Bullies.

"Chan!." Jung-woo and Chan turned to the others who had a worried expression.

"Chan let's go." Seungcheol motioned him to come over there side but he did the opposite.

"You had no reason to hit him! He's just as innocent." Chan says and the bullies only laughed at the other same with jung-woo.

"Maybe he should've mind his business and just walked pass like everyone else did but instead he interfere with a punk like you." Jung-woo says.

"The Hell is Wrong with you." Seungcheol says he was honestly ready to beat jung-Woo's ass but Jeonghan only stopped him, Jeonghan wanted to do much more than what Seungcheol wanted to do, he beat a innocent friend into a pulp just because he help Chan, and I'm just know finding out that he's stilling beating Chan after we told him to stop.

"Send a message to your little friend there at home." Jung-woo says, and there's it goes a punch throwin at the other but they didn't expect it from there Hyung, Not Seungcheol Hyung but Jeonghan Hyung, Chan's eyes widened along with the others.

Jung-woo only grounded while the rest of the bullies helped him up but he quickly pushed them off of him.

"Nice punch there Prince." Jung-woo says.

"You got it this time your lucky-."

"If you touch any more of my friends jung-woo I swear you will regret every single harm you did to them." Seungcheol says.

"Yeah Yeah this is not over." Jung-woo says.

Sehun only smirked the candy he had in his mouth was now on Jeonghan's shirt, mingyu was now mad but they quickly stopped him while the other walked away with an light chuckle.

"Chan are you okay did they hurt you is there any bruises or cuts-."

"Hyung im fine." Chan says they seen how sad the other look they all had the urge to protect the other at all cost.

"Chan." Jeonghan says.


"If you have something to say or if anyone is bothering please come to me or the others we don't want you to be near jung-woo anymore we don't what he's planning or what's his next step we want you to be careful okay." Jeonghan says.

"Yes Hyung I just-.....it's my fault shua Hyung got beaten." Chan says.

"It's not your-."

"Yes it is and don't try to Deny it, he helped me on the first day of his school and then after a couple days he ends up beaten it's my fault that this is happening to him it should be me going-."

"No it's not! Chan it's not your fault."

"Then who's fault is it?....hmm....who's fault is it if it's not mines...hm...." Jeonghan didn't know what to say he was silent but he don't want the other to blame himself because it's really not his fault he's just a kid.

Chan only scoff in respond "see you even think it's my fault." Chan says but Jeonghan stopped him.

"I don't Chan listen to me!, I will never blame something like this on you, you didn't know that, that was happening to Joshua, I'm glad you made friends with Joshua I'm glad that over the days you've been smiling much more he must got some affect on you, but Chan I don't think Joshua wants you to blame yourself, if you want we can go see him after school ." Jeonghan says Chan only nods and Jeonghan gave him a small smile before both of them walking off to class.

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