Small vent

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I usually don't really do these much or even share out so I may be a little crappy at this. I'm just used to keeping it in so I might act a little weird but it's really just me being nervous. It's not like many people- most likely none is going to hear this anyway.

School sucks ASS. I'm tired of everybody saying "enjoy school while you can!" "It's such a good learning experience!" No. I only come here so I can be out of that dumb house I'm in. At school I just know that I won't be sitting near my friends or talking to anybody simply because I lost all of mine. I have one friend who's also my ex who basically manipulated me and it's not the same as talking to him like we used to, the people who used to know me in elementary school go here so it sucks ass too. And some of them  are even finding my insta and wattpad which I really don't need because that SAME person who bullied me my whole elementary  school years is giving it out to people. The People that I thought was my friend like then girl in my class ends up by being a snake. How? Literally made me look stupid in the group chat SHE INVITED ME IN only to make a fool out of me when I clearly told her to stop and on top of that added my old bully in it. Who's literally the ignorant 'nobody asked' 'and?' Type which I hate. "Oh well she's nice when you get to know her-' NO I HATE THAT TYPE. Just be nice in general it's not that hard! And I told the girl who i thought was nice to not do it because the bully basically ruined my life back then and on top of that says she doesn't care. Now I just realized why she acts like that.

They are dating.

So of course she's going to take her side after I just told her ass to not do that or even make me interact with my old bully. Who is now going around and giving people my insta who is usually people from elementary school. And then there's just going to school where I know I won't make friends because every-time I try it just doesn't work out at all. I got into it with my ex friend because he told a lie that I said that my own best friend who we barley talk now harassed me and then made my best friend think i actually said it so I had to go talk to my ex friend Kyle about it. And he said was 'well I thought' YOU DIDNT THINK SHIT SHUT THE HELL UP. AND THEN HAS THE NERVE TO TELL ALL OF HIS FRIENDS MAKING THEM MAD AT ME WHO THEY DONT EVEN KNOW.

Then there's lunch. Where I usually hate being even though I like the food. It's not that bad but also not that..good? I just eat it just to eat. About a month ago and even before that some Boys would go up to me and be like "your eating that real good don't you you probably suck dick don't you?" "You should be a pornstar you sure do look the type." Which even though doesn't seem like a big thing it really is to me. I'm pudgy and I got bullied younger about it and even my dad is like "your fat ass is sitting all day you need to go work out because my daughter won't be a fat pig" so I ended up not eating for a little while and whenever I do eat I just get bashed so it just made me not want to eat in public or even around my family.

uh yeah that's all I just needed to get that out

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