"Efe, c'mon, I prefer talk to you than to this joke of a Prince."

Serkan started laughing, a long pained laugh, looking into Seymen eyes with the craziest look he had and with a side eye look the torture was back.

The entire night passed like this, 12 hours of pure atrocious pain where, during the hardest minutes, he prayed to die.


Across the city a very restless Eda was pacing back and forth around the ample office, her fingers pulling the roots of her hair.

She went to his office after work to surprise him but when Pırıl told her no one saw him that day Eda panicked.

"This isn't normal, Engin. He never disappear for hours without saying anything."

"Eda calm down, you know how Serkan is. Don't jump to hasty conclusions."

"That's exactly why I worry." she exclaimed gripping the edge of the long table, her head down and her eyes burning with unshed tears.

Eda was terrified, she knew how many enemies he had, how many people wanted him six feet underground. That fear gripped her heart every morning when he left the house and eased slightly every time he came back to her.

Each night she prayed to have him back in one piece, wounds free.

"What if he died? What if they killed him and left his body somewhere? What if he never comes back? We'll never know what happened and where he is." she continued shakingly.

"Eda please calm down, you're going to faint if you keep stressing yourself over this." said Pırıl caressing her arm in a soothing way.

"I have a bad feeling, Pırıl. I can't seem to shake it off."

And it was the truth, since morning she felt a pain in her heart and an uneasiness at the pit of her stomach. The fear had put its poisoned claws on the back of her throat.

"It's going to be alright, he'll come back and he'll be fine." Pırıl told her with a sweet smile, her hand still caressing her shoulder and arm reassuring her.

Eda squeezed her fingers in a thankful manner trying to convince them and herself that everything would be fine.


Water splashed on his face and his body, that was supported by his wrists tied to a chain hanging from the ceiling, his knees buckling from time to time.

The clicking sound of heels were the only thing he could hear. Semiha Yıldırım stood in front of him in all her elegance, a smirk adorning her face.

"You set this all up since the beginning, am I right?" Serkan let out in a breath watching as the old woman sat down in front of him.

"Has he said anything yet?" Semiha ignored him and proceded to talk with the Prince.

"Not yet, but we're working on it."

"You better." and just like that she walked away after sending a look of pure hate and disgust toward Serkan.

The chains were now slowing scraping his wrists and he could feel blood running down the side of his head from his eyebrow, one of his eyes was swollen and half open, his lip cut open.

A man walked in and the sound of a ringtone broke the silence of the dark room.

"If you don't have good news hang up the phone." Seymen exclaimed annoyed.

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