But after a certain night in Kanchanaburi where Win laid his own feelings bare, Team has blossomed. He's pliant and sweet, unashamedly pleading and absolutely willing for Win in the safety and privacy of their bedroom. The level of trust and affection between them is not a thing that the older takes lightly and he is ever humbled by it.

Win decides to prolong Team's suffering just a bit longer. He thrusts forward again, hard but knowingly missing that sweet spot. He knows Team won't hold out much longer, having been brought to the brink several times in the last hour.

Their sheets are a mess of lube and pre-cum, Win having opened Team up so slowly and so thoroughly with his fingers and then flipping him onto his stomach to pull apart his cheeks and lick into the boy.

Team cries now, thighs straining as he tries to make Win hit his prostate but Win is careful, his fingers trailing up Team's sweaty skin to flick his nipples. The hint of pain makes the boy gasp, back arching.

He clenches around Win so hard that the man has to bite on his own lip to stave off his pleasure. He may have been edging Team but Win is all about equality; this is his punishment too for having a bratty little boyfriend he loves.

"Fuck baby, you're tight. Shit, I'm close!" Win pants out, running a hand through his sweaty hair to push it back. His elastic has been lost in the mess of their sheets, having been yanked out by Team while Win's tongue licked a stripe over his cock.

Team reaches for one of Win's hands then, bringing it to his mouth and taking two fingers deep in. He suckles at the sweat gathered there and when he speaks, it's garbled but Win understands him anyways. It's no different from when Team tries to speak with a mouthful of chips.

"I know you're close too, hia. If you let me cum, you can use me to cum. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Team asks, hair falling over his forehead, lips red and eyes half glazed over.

And fuck, Win is only human. He's been on edge as much as Team and his boyfriend's heat around his fingers and cock is far too much pleasure.

So he moves. Just not in the way that Team is expecting.

Rather than thrusting forward, Win pulls out and in one quick move, flips Team onto his stomach and then yanks the boy's hips up. Face still pushed down into the mattress, Team cannot see when Win lands two swats onto his ass and he moans, hips twitching.

"You're a filthy little thing, aren't you? Look at you begging for me and taking your spanks so well." Win smacks Team again, hard enough that his face is pushed into the pillow.

Team turns his face, panting as he manages a small grin. " Your filthy thing. You love me like this."

And well... Win's not going to argue that. He's just not going to let Team see him softening or the little brat is going to be a shit about it.

Before Team can even start gloating, Win takes hold of his hips and fucks into him hard, punching a gasp out of his boyfriend.

If his thrusts before were slow and sweet, they are anything but that now. Win pounds into his boy, reveling in the whining moans and sweet gibberish Team makes as his prostate is pounded into.

"Fuck fuck fuc- oohh hia please please I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna- fuck shit right there! Let me cum please!"

"Do you promise not to be a little shit?" Win teases him one last time and Team cries out.

"I promise!! Fuck I promise! Let me cum!!!"

One hand winding into Team's hair and the other around his waist, Win yanks him upright suddenly and the hand from his hair slides down to Team's neck in a gentle chokehold, "That's my good boy. Cum all over yourself."

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