Lucky You

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-C'mon Jinnie let's go. - Says my best friend trying to pull me into the party where he had brought me, let's say minimally, by force.

-MinHo let's go back hum? Let's go back to the studio to rehearse the routine for the weekend ok? - I ask almost begging him.

-But Jinnie you promised you would come with me. - He says, appealing to his cute face. I roll my eyes and he lets go of my arm, jumping and clapping his hands.

-You're lucky i love you Lee MinHo. - I say before going back to walking.

-Love you too Jinnie. - He hums before practically running out in front of me into the place where some of my worst nightmares took place. I walk past the ribbons that were hanging on the door already almost deafened by the volume of the music. I see my best friend talking with a lot of people in the way and looking at me every now and then to be sure I was following him and not running away from that place that seemed more and more full of people each second I passed there.

I continue to follow the oldest Lee some steps behind until he stops with people I know very well and I let out a loud sigh feeling a little better. I see Chan opening his arms to me with a sad smile. He knows how difficult these kind of things are to me. I buried my face on the Australian's chest feeling his characteristic smell and I felt that nothing was happening until he let go of me making everything come back. MinHo was seated at his boyfriend's lap, (that looked a lot like a squirrel) and Changbin was seated beside them as well as Chan and I who had just taken the last seat on the couch and the armrest of the couch looking at all of those people. Bin stands up and grabs three glasses and hands them to us, and I thank him with a smile, quickly turning the entire glass over in the faith that the alcohol would make this experience less traumatic. I feel my body a little lighter and I lean on the sofa, looking at a specific point. My mind goes immediately, under my control, to the choreography that we were rehearsing and I repass it sometimes in my head until I give up thinking a little bit and my thoughts fly to a boy with a thin body, small hands and blond hair who was at this moment dancing on the dance floor. I repass in my head our moments together and I smile thinking of his cute way of being. My head sails through impossible scenarios until I see a larger movement with the corner of my eye and snap out of my trance. I didn't realise Changbin had left the sofa until I saw him getting punched in the middle of the dance floor. I get up immediately, staying alert and i look at Chan with an mute question.

-Bin went to make out with Lix who has been on his list for months. - Chris starts a little discouraged by his fall (more like a precipice) for the short Korean. - But Lixie's ex, who you know well the history, came to the party and didn't like what Bin was doing and that's what happened. - He says nodding his head to the direction where Changbin was lying on the floor after being punched. My whole body stiffened at the mention of Minho's brother's ex-boyfriend. The blond one has a lot of psychological problems because of him.

-But they got a restrictive order from him with Lix didn't they? - I asked after recalling last month's events.

-They did but you think that dude would follow it? - Chris asked me already with an answer in mind. -MinHo is calling the police, Jisung and I are going to resolve the matter with that guy until the police arrives. We have a lot of witnesses that he started the whole thing. -Says the Australian ending the explenation of what happened. Han leaves his boyfriend talking with the police outside and walks up to me with a serious look on his face.

-Hyunjin we're going to talk with that guy and as soon as you can you get out of here with Lix ok? This guy can fuck up more with Felix's psycological if he stays here. - I just nod yes with my head and stay by Chan waiting for them to go up there. It hurts me to see Changbin getting beat like that because he was caught off guard and couldn't defend himself. If it were under other circumstances the little guy would be beating that son of a bitch to a pulp. I fixed my gaze on Felix who was trying his best to get his ex-boyfriend to stop beating our friend but without success as he turned out to be much smaller. Jisung nods at me and they go in the direction of Changbin and I with all the trembling in my hands stand in the middle of the crowd walking in the middle of the wheel that has formed to watch what is happening. As soon as I get to a place close enough to the blondie I think about the path I took with Minho and where we could hide. I remember vagally of an ally behind a restaurant and I decide that's the place. I see my friends getting the man's attention and as soon as I can I pull Lix with me to the middle of the crowd and out of that place. I pass by Minho still pulling Felix and he speaks only with his lips, without making a sound, "take my brother away from here".

And that's exactly what I did. I kept pulling the blond until I saw the alley and stopped there leaning against the wall.

His eyes were wide open and tears started to fall.

-Jinnie I- He says in a string of voice.

-I know Lixie, i know. - I say hugging him and he clings to my body as if it was all that's left. Months passed since I saw him like this for the last time. After the restrictive order that son of a bitch really left his life and he got better. He started to have fun and I feel like he got really close to how he was before all that happened. But it all falls apart. Everything goes back to being shit.

-Never leave me Jinnie, i really need you. He says with his face buried in my chest wetting my shirt, what doesn't really matter anymore.

-I won't Lix, i'll never leave you, I promise. - I say with my head resting on his head as I run my hands along his back trying to calm him down.

- I should've listened to my brother and my heart since the beginning and been with you Jinnie it would've spared us so much trouble. -He says, climbing his face looking with his caramel orbs in the depths of my soul.

-I'll wait for you, Lix. As long as you want. You will always have a place in my heart and in my arms.

If The whole World Was Watching (hyunlix) ~Ing VersionWhere stories live. Discover now