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( note : in my initial google doc, the text was color coded to match the colors of the characters. Due to the formatting of Wattpad, I cannot have colored text. If it's hard to remember, the character names are in the disclaimer / first part of the story.  )


     Cyber Grill was jam packed on this Friday Night, as it should be. Cyber Grill was always packed in the later ends of the evening, but especially Fridays. The place was dimly lit, with only the tone of a few colored lights brightening the area. Warm colors that gave off a homey and relaxed vibe ; colors like amber and honey. There were booths and tables all around, but they didn't seem to be replaced as of recent, they were probably the same ones used when the grill first opened up. Granted, it still looked at the best condition it could, for something that's been used almost constantly every day of the week.

This was the place that four of the Addisons enjoyed going after work. T.E., Adam, Lien, and Adrian — oh, and Spamton too. So that would make five.

They all enjoyed this place a lot. The atmosphere was nice, the workers were friendly, and they could talk as much as they wanted without having to worry about the place closing up shortly after their workdays were over. And this is what the group of five would do every day ; even on weekends, when they didn't have to work. It was their "guy's night out" thing.

     Right now, Adam was waiting with Spamton for the other three of their buddies to show up. Not much conversation was being made, as Spamton fiddled with his fingers almost anxiously. The guy knew he didn't exactly fit in with his friends, but Adam - the orange addison - was the only one who seemed to outright ignore him unless others were present. However, Spamton's behavior was an inconvenience to the orange addison, just enough to make him speak.

     " so ... how was work ? "

Spamton would look up, his eyes meeting the stern glare that came from Adam. His hands started sweating, but for the moment he was ... okay.

     " oh, you know, " Spamton began, but left it at that.

     " Actually, I don't. "

There was sarcasm in the tone Adam spoke in. He knew of Spamton's lack of success, and was simply putting him under intentional pressure. But before he could interrogate the poor guy further ...



A heavy and exaggerated sigh immediately released out of Spamton's mouth as the rest of the addisons arrived. Unfortunately, all eyes were on him due to his exaggeration. It was already known by the bunch that their two-toned addison friend wasn't the most ... socially polite, so to speak ; but every time he seemed to do something 'rude', they couldn't help but stare at him, questioning where he learned his manners.

T.E. -- the Pink Addison -- would plop himself down casually next to Spamton, wrapping his arm across the back of the booth like a guy might do to his date at a movie theatre. It was clearly making the other nervous, but T.E. never caught on.


Immediately, T.E. was flagging down the cute waitress from across the way. Lien, the blue Addison, sat on the other side of Spamton, making the poor guy's social claustrophobia rise up, and Adrien, the yellow Addison, sat beside his brother. The waitress soon came by, and T.E. ordered everyone their drinks:

     " I'll be having the Strawberry Trojan, Lien is having the Iced CAPTCHA tea with 3 sugars, Sweet little Adrian is having Pilk, aaaaaaaaand... "

Spamton ( and the Addisons )Where stories live. Discover now